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November 27, 2018

This type of connection never fades Away ~

I Love you and that’s all I really know.

This is not the binding sort of love, it’s the kind which flows like a river.

Its not the kind which needs you to tell me that you love me too, it’s the kind which only wants you to know.

It’s not the kind which will stop you, it’s the kind which will let you go.


And while you fear that my presence in your life will slow you down, I want you to know that your presence made me stronger.


You played games and made me feel unworthy of having a real piece of you, but little did you know that our hearts were entangled like the roots of a tree. My heart understood the language that you never spoke, it recognised the spaces in your words.


All you wanted was adventure and excitement, and all I ever wanted was to see you one more time even if it was for a second. In that one meeting I would absorb all the warmth, which I would replay in my head night and again.


While, my heart ached and I was in pain because I never understood your indifferent behaviour towards a girl you enjoyed sleeping with. But today it gives me a relief to know that you always returned to that girl.


For you she was your only option, but for her you were like the winter snowfall that spread magic in her world.


Although in this pain, I fought and complained due to the non-acceptance of what is but I know now this love is beyond possession, its not something that can be put into a few words yet, I need you to know- I love you and that’s all I really know.


I have loved several men but I guess I never really fell “in love” with somebody like this.


You taught me many things through our conversations but the essence of it all comes down to the vast feeling of boundless love. I saw through your fears, your insecurities and rigidness yet I saw through the beauty of your heart.


Now that I know I will never really stop you from moving on, yet I want you to know that I love you and that’s all I really know.

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