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December 1, 2018

9 Useless Workouts for Burning Calories (& 11 Best Workouts that Burn More Calories Than Running)

Burning Calories and Losing Weight

When it comes to burning calories and losing weight, a lot of misconceptions are going around. For instance, some people think that jogging for 30 minutes three times a week is enough for everyone to lose weight. It’s not that simple – it often takes a more intense effort and more strict discipline if you want to burn your calories and lose weight. Here are a few facts you’ll need to remember when you decide to start losing weight. Click here to learn more…

How many calories do you need to burn to lose one pound?

Each pound of fat equals about 3,500 calories. That means that if you’d like to lose one pound of weight per week (which is a reasonable rate), you’ll need to achieve a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day. To find your current calorie deficit, find out how much weight you gained over the past year. Multiply it by 10. The resulting figure is the amount of excess calories you’re taking in on average.

For instance, if a man gained 50 pounds last year, that means he’s taking in 500 more calories each day. So if he wants to lose one pound of weight per week, he’ll need to burn the 500 excess calories plus the 500 calories he needs to reach the calorie deficit. That means he’ll need to burn a total of 1,000 calories each day – not a very easy thing to do. Fortunately, there are several little ways of burning calories and losing weight, and can little by little add up to the calorie deficit you need.

If your goal of exercising is to lose weight, there are certain workouts that might not help you reach that goal. Below I have listed 9 workouts that don’t burn as many calories as you’d think and 11 best workouts that burn more calories than running. Let’s check them one by one below!


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