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December 21, 2018

A Letter From Mother Earth

Dear Earthlings,

I have a loving message for you.

It’s about your vibrations.

You are here with me during a very special time.

I am going through a vibrational shift, a shedding of skin, a cosmic passage. And you are invited.

What you must do is simple, but most profound. You must do something that has always been the task of human kind, which is to master your creative powers and raise your vibrational frequency.

You may have forgotten your mission, but not to worry, your power can always be accessed by going within.

You see, you are made of energy, everything is energy, which means that you give off vibrational frequencies. Walking in love raises your frequency. Living in fear lowers your vibration and dims your light.

It may seem harder than ever to live without fear during such a tumultuous time, but remember, fear is an acronym for False Evidence Acting Real.  Fear is a tool used to maintain suppression, so that you forget to use your creative power.

Living in fear means you have tossed aside your power to play the victim role. You cannot be a victim when you remember that you are the creator of your own reality.

All you need to do here is let your light shine. Deliberate and meticulous love is your path.

Walking in love means doing what you love, owning responsibility for your reality, and taking actions to keep your light shining. Trust that the universe has already provided everything you need.

It’s more than okay to be selfish. Be meticulous about how you feel each moment of every day. Take responsibility for what’s in your life. You’ll be astonished at how life supports you.

I am here for you, I have provided everything you need. So, go out and play in my forests, let the Sun warm your face, surround yourself with light beings, eat foods that are vibrant and fresh. Meditate, pray, seek higher frequencies.

If you wish to join me in this next dimensional chapter, you, as one and as a collective, must match the vibrational frequency of love, and love only. It’s up to you.

With the Love of the Moon and the Stars,
Mother Earth

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