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January 23, 2019

Why Yoga Is at The Core of Your Orgasm

Orgasm is not only the crowning of a successful and highly pleasurable session of sex with your partner, but something that could and absolutely should be achieved every day, even by yourself. With thousands of women across the world failing to ever reach orgasm (anorgasmia,) it’s important to look at why we even need the Big O in our lives at all.

Life without orgasms is just not living up to its full potential. Even women that are having orgasms find them infrequent, short, sharp and well, basic. Let me explain how yoga can help improve your core strength, well-being and even your orgasms…


What’s Yoga Got to Do With It?

The body’s core — which includes the abdominal, lower back, pelvis, and hip area (known as the Hara or life centre in women)- is considered in traditional medicine, to be the most vital part of the body. The core is where the body’s centre of gravity is located and the muscles in this area work together to provide stability to the body. The core aims to bring force, power, and stability from the legs to the upper body, and vice versa.

Many of the body’s core muscles cannot be seen because they are hidden underneath other muscles. It’s widely known that a strong core makes it easier to practice yoga arm balances and inversions and other strength based activities. The core has many other important roles, including improving your overall wellbeing and sexual health. Yoga exercises or Asana, focus on strengthening this core or ‘Hara.’


Get to The Core Of It

Practising a core focused yoga practice (such as CorePlay by YogaBellies) helps to protect the spinal cord and also enriches and stimulates, many of the organs within the human body. You can enhance your CorePlay practice by ensuring proper hydration, nutrition, and full body relaxation, such as yoga nidra or indulging in Savasana at the end of class. CorePlay yoga was designed to be the optimum movement art, focusing on and enhance the core muscles. Yoga help practitioners develop a healthy body, increase lifespan, become relaxed, and even have a better sex life.

Studies show that practising yoga helps promote increased energy levels, improved confidence and self-esteem, and increased testosterone levels.  Practising yogasana acts almost as a “massage” for the internal organs, enabling the body’s internal systems to function properly. Both Eastern and Western medicine agree on the benefits of a well-developed and strengthened core.

According to eastern medicine, the core is the centre of all human energy. These principles believe that the core is the source of the ‘chi,’ the power within. The ‘chi’ is responsible for self-healing, self-recovery, and self-realization. Chinese beliefs add that this power is a life force and is present in every living thing. The ‘chi’ flows in the body thorough channels called meridians and give the body life nourishment and energy. The chi can be developed by meditation, visualization, and breathing. Core strength is just as vital to ordinary people as professional athletes. Incorporating core focused asana in your yoga practice will increase strength, avoid muscle injury, and improve your posture and balance.


Orgasms During Yoga??

The 2014 National Survey of Sexual Health and Behaviour (NSSHB) in the USA, looked at 2,000 Americans and their sex lives. They discovered found that around 10% of men and women reported experiencing an orgasm from exercise, and even more reported getting turned on while working out.

For women, ‘coregasms’ were most likely to happen during core specific exercises such as yoga. As if we needed more of a reason to go to yoga class??


Yoga to Improve Your Sex Life Every Day

Although the exact reason for core asana enhancing and even bringing on orgasms is still unclear, it is believed that its possible of those core muscles are working together with the nerve pathways and the pelvic floor to create orgasmic sensations during or after your yoga practice. Another theory is that it could be that your tired, wobbly core muscles create some type of inner stimulation that engages other nearby organs and creates these incredibly intense sensations.

No need to worry about rocking the Big O in yoga class though: these enlightening studies identified that more people report exercise-induced arousal and improved orgasms after their yoga practice, than actual core exercise-induced orgasms.

Top Yoga Tips for Improving Your Orgasms

So, this is all very well, but what specifically should we focus on during our yoga practice to improve our Big O afterwards?

Begin with a flowing dynamic yoga practice which doubles as your cardio. Try multiple repetitions of dynamic sun salutations (Surya Namaskar A and B) to build heat in the body and increase the heart rate. Aim to engage the sympathetic nervous system before starting on core specific exercises.

  1. Focus on core specific asana such as Chaturanga Dandasana (4 legged stag pose/plank;) Navasana (boat pose;) Utkatasna (Chair pose;) and Bakasana (Crow pose.) Multiple repetitions will really fatigue your core, essential for coregasms.
  2. Bring Vinyasa (flow) or sun salutations back into the middle of your practice to mix it up. The studies showed that mixing up cardio with weight bearing and core strengthening exercises, helped to improve orgasm potential.
  3. Bring your attention to the breath and relax. Allow yourself to enjoy your yoga practice as a moving meditation, meeting each movement with an inhale or exhale. Ujjayi breathing is perfect for this purpose.

Go forth and enjoy a beautiful, blissful yoga practice and intensified orgasms lovelies!

Find out more about CorePlay by YogaBellies, core focused yoga created for women here

@thepinkyoginii @yogabellies

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