Being a single Mom myself I know of which I write. I’m sure you have a single parent household on your street, in your neighborhood, or in your family. You may turn your head as you drive by us in your new SUV after yoga while you are rushing home to hubby. Be sure and let him know how much you appreciate him. As the old biblical saying goes “but not for the grace of God there go I”. In a single parent household we wake up early if there’s time for coffee, fix the kids breakfast, wake them, feed them, dress them, get them off to school as we head for our 8hr job. God forbid the school calls telling us our child is sick. Home, no pay and hopefully insurance. After work we go grocery shopping or Wal-Mart if need be, we cook whatever dinner will be, some nights actually going to bed hungry so the kids are full. Finish laundry while kids do homework. Bath time. Bedtime. Then this single Mom spent most nights alone on the couch crying. “All my child wanted to do was play Barbies with me and I didn’t make time “. Try that guilt on for size. Stand at the babysitters door with your child begging to stay there because there is no one to play with at home. Humiliating. You both cry all the way home because this is not the life either of you wanted. Open the door. Silence. How wonderful a “How was your day?” and a hug would be. Start dinner, do homework, figure out which bills to pay, laundry. Dinner. Bath time. Bed time. Single Mom cries alone on couch. Today that little blond girl that didn’t want to come home is 26 and lives states and states away. Now she is too busy for Mom and I still sit alone on the couch and cry.
This was not the life I’d have chosen for my child.
I’m so sorry Baby. I did the best I could alone.
Help a single parent. I don’t want any Moms sitting on the couch crying before bed like I still do.
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