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January 29, 2019

Believe in Yourself

Women love that word. It’s in their status, it’s the title of the last ten Instagram poems they shared, it’s their tattoo, they probably have a song by that name in their playlist….or a ‘Believe’ playlist for those tough days.

They love that shit….they fucking LOVE it. They believe in true love – as we all should, but really hard – that their future is secure in the arms of some man/woman, they believe lies from the army of assholes out there and they believe the person they fancy will notice them or change.

So many believe they need the shit arse who’s in their life right now or that they need a partner to begin with.

Not so.


The point I’m trying to make is that belief in something is critical. It’s a must and we should all be doing that, because we are human. What I’ve come to notice from my engagements with the women I’ve come to know over the last two years, is that it’s pointing in the wrong direction.

Being mostly a pessimist, I don’t think our solace lies in believing in just any outward bullshit and if you’re gonna start anywhere, I would say turn that inward and believe in yourself…or at least things about yourself.

No one wants an outie belly button, why would you want outie belief?

Currently what I’m doing in order to get this belief-in-self thing going, is no more negative internal or external dialogue. Being self-deprecating is where I am a viking and it’s not been healthy. I convinced myself that it’s my being modest, but I’m selling myself short…breaking myself down….limiting my beliefs, potential and and and and and…

Also, fuck needing to be tied to someone in order to have value. I’ve spent about a year and a half on my own, not needing to be bound to another person and it was great. There is an awful lot of worth to be found in knowing that at the very least you can be just dandy on your own. Super dandy, even.


Also, feeling lonely is normal. Even people in relationships feel lonely sometimes, so don’t expect dating to solve that problem.


If you don’t know what to believe about yourself, ask your friends. Your real friends. Those people you know care about you. It’s nothing you haven’t heard before. I’m sure they often tell you what they like most about you and how wonderful you are.


Now it’s up to you to start believing that you are.

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