Okay, so this is a bit of an old article, but I missed it somehow when it came out, though I’ve subscribed for years, and Elizabeth Gilbert is, to my writer’s mind, one of the best most honest and fun writers working in the world today. ~ ed.
Yoga, Y’all
Published: September 18, 2005
I must begin here by saying that I am not picky about my yoga. Even as yoga has become to 21st-century America what, say, automobiles were to 20th-century America (something everybody has, but the wealthy have the fanciest), I have not succumbed to yoga snobbery. It is not necessary for me to perform my poses in studios designed by Frank Gehry while balancing on a mat spun from the finest bacteria-resistant Tibetan unicorn pelt…
...for the rest, go to NYTimes.com. Support ’em with your clicks and subscriptions, they’re some of the best most integrity-ful old school journalism hawkers in the world, and having a tough time of late, getting half-bought up (only public stock, luckily) by a crazy rightwing Mexican tycoon!
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