August 12, 2009

Keep Calm & Bike Poster On.

10 Bike Posters that I love.

Okay, a few more than 10. And a few aren’t posters, they’re ads. And one ain’t even a bike, but haulin’ a pig on the back of yer scootah? Gotta include that. And one I don’t love, it’s tacky.

In any case. For the rest…there’s something so symetrical, so exciting, so grassroots revolutionary and yet so wholesome about bikes. I think if I was asked what my favorite symbol of all-time was, I’d have to say a bike. It’s fun. It’s green. It’s healthy. It is revolutionary.

And bike posters capture that. Particularly old ones, they used to be works of art. These days—when cities are designed for cars, not people; and our earth’s climate is changing thanks to thousands of tons of pollution each hour—bike posters generally have a more civic, ideological and/or environmental edge.

Which one’s your favorite? Have another favorite? Email link or image to ele.

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