May 10, 2019

Exclusive Release: The Song that will Inspire Millions to Action. ~ Tamtam


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Saudi Arabia is participating at the Global Goals World Cup (GGWC) on May 14, 2019, in Copenhagen.

GGWC aims to spread awareness and knowledge about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through football. The Saudi team will be participating along with 24 different teams from different countries. They have chosen to focus on SDG 15: (Life on Land) aiming to shift the mindset from using plastic bags to reusable bags.

They are starting a campaign to promote this goal in Saudi Arabia. The campaign will take place online and offline in three main cities (Riyadh, Jeddah, Khobar).

In Copenhagen, teams will be evaluated on four main pillars, including how much they engage the crowd with either a dance or a song that represents their cause, team, and nation. I wrote this song, “One Earth,” for the Saudi team, and they are going to play it that day and present it as their cause song.

The song will be released exclusively on Anghami on May 10th, and it will be live on all platforms: Apple, Spotify, and more on May 17th.

Listen to the song below:


For more listening options, go here


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author: Tamtam

Image: Author's own/One Earth Artwork

Image: Author's on Instagram

Editor: Naomi Boshari