There are numerous benefits to listening to your body. The fact is, listening to your body creates new benefits to you each day. As you practice it + live life, you find that you couldn’t write down all the ways it improves things. There are 6 foundations that do happen when you listen to your body’s wisdom and here they are.
1. You trust yourself
As Ralph Waldo Emerson said “self-trust is the first secret success.” It is the anti-dote to anxiety, stress + insecurity. When you spend time worrying about a choice you have made from your mind while tuning out your body’s message is life draining. You can stop! Think about making a choice, several choices day after day with this strong inner knowing that “YES! I did this. I chose this and it is the BEST thing for me!” You will feel solid, strong, capable, hotter, empowered, happier, sexier & healthier. Trusting your body + its guidance sets a tone for the entire pulse of your life. Knowing that your body + you are on the same page, is priceless.
2. Increase your autonomy
You know how it feels when you have a decision to make? It could be a small one or a BIG one. That never settled feeling and asking others for guidance, suggestions, an actual map to our challenges. Your body has loud messages for you. How are you hearing them? Your neural pathways will strengthen with the action/thoughts that you do often. As you practice listening to your body its messages become louder & clearer. Reaching a point where you KNOW and you make a decision on your own without outside influence.
3. Strengthen your intuition
Having a strong relationship with listening to your body increases your intuition. Your intuition comes through physically. When you learn what your intuition feels like and you trust it completely you experience a deep ease + flow to life.
When something feels off for you, it is. When you are not in-tune with your body you can easily confuse your body’s flight or fight signals with your intuition.
4. Knowing what you want
There can be many distractions to know what you want in life. From the influence of others, media, or your ego, it can be a challenge to choose. Oh, yeah + then there is “shiny object syndrome”. Goodness, I know I have that as an opportunity on the regular. Being tapped into your body empowers you to choose according to what’s in your best good. Noticing minute shifts in how your body feels provides you with an internal compass to the map of your life.
5. Enjoy more pleasure
You cannot suppress one area of yourself + have another part flourish. When you tune out your body’s messages you tune out pleasure! By learning how to tune into your body brings you in-tune to your pleasure. You’ll be able to identify what feels good to you. What you like + do not like regarding movement, relationships, sex, work, fun + everything else.
The more you tune into your pleasure the more you will be strengthening the neural pathways. The louder, stronger + clearer your pleasure messages will be! You will experience an increase in frequency + intensity of pleasure.
6. Better health
Your body speaks to you + tells you when it needs to relax, eat, stretch, have fun, etc. The first few messages are soft + gentle. If you ignore your bodies messages they become louder in the form of, sickness, injury, panic, or mysterious random illness.
When you are in-tune with your body you observe it’s messages quickly. You have the power to listen, knowing what you need & bringing yourself back to harmony. Which can be an array of things. From your food, personal time, sleep, self-love, or relationships.
The Benefits are Priceless
The benefits of being in-tune with your body are truly priceless. Each time something occurs in my life + I make a decision based on my body’s wisdom I am ALWAYS happy with the outcome. There are those times when for whatever reason I don’t listen to my body’s wisdom + I end up experiencing quite a lesson. Whether that lesson be painful or reroutes me to a different track that unlocks more lessons, I can say with certainty that things are always better when I listen to my body.
What are your experiences with listening to your body’s wisdom? What benefits do you receive?
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