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June 10, 2019

What metabolic type are you and Why does it matter

Health is becoming personalised day by day-starting from workout routines, diets, to how one responds to certain medications. Since how we react to certain outside changes in our lives, is decided by our metabolism, it becomes more and more important to keep it uptight.

This behaviour of our metabolism, that beats differently in every individual, is studied and referred to as Metabolism typing. Our reaction to certain foods, dietary changes and medications are different because of the genetic system and the relationship in between body’s oxidative system, and autonomic nervous system is known as Metabolism typing. Since this the behaviour, reactions and appetite are interrelated, and our system design is more responsible for it, understanding our metabolism is significantly pivotal.

Before getting into intricate details about Metabolism, it is essential to answer a few questions, which will help you understand your body responsiveness:

  1. Do you prefer Salty or Sweet foods?
  2. How often do you experience fatigue?
  3. From 1 to 10 rate your appetite
  4. Do you experience anxiety often? (Rate from 1 to 5)
  5. Are you fitting perfectly in your body goals?
  6. Are you a caffeine addict? (How many cups of tea or coffee you take a day?)
  7. Are you struggling with your weight?
  8. Are you organized?
  9. Do you often take dairy foods?
  10. Are you habitual of mid-night/mid-day snacking?
  11. Are you in a habit of napping?
  12. What is your body type? Thin/Overweight/Average/Few Extra Pounds?
  13. Are you suffering from Stress/Anxiety/Depression?
  14. Your dietary plans always fall apart? Yes/No

With these questions answered with you, understanding your body intrinsic and extrinsic behaviours will become easier which will further assist you in confronting your metablosim type precisely. Further into Metabolism types, here are the details:

Slow Metabolism- Type 1: Consistent Fatigue, Pear-shaped body (underweight or lean), Stress index (low to high), usually calcium deficiency.

Slow metabolism- Type 2: Consistent or sporadic fatigue, Stress index higher, increased adrenal activity, if overweight (apple shaped body).

Slow Metabolism- Type 3: Consistent Energy fluctuations, Pear to apple shaped body structure, Consistent mood swings, Decreased adrenal activity, Prolonged emotional stress.

Slow Metabolism- Type 4: Apple or pear-shaped body, Extreme fatigue, high disease susceptibility, acute stress reactions, Increased adrenal activity.

Fast Metabolism-Type 1: Increased adrenal activity, decreased insulin, high to low mood swings, high-to-low stress index, muscular body.

Fast Metabolism-Type 2: Increased Adrenal activity, usually inflammatory stress index, High energy dominated by stress, muscular to apple shaped body.  

Fast Metabolism-Type 3: Decreased adrenal acitivity, Exhaustion and consistent energy loss, strong episodes of stress, muscular to apple shaped body.

Fast Metabolism-Type 4: Decreased adrenal activity, Depression and periodic fatigue, high-stress index, muscular to apple shaped body.

Common Distribution of Metabolism:

ProtienType: People who fall under this kind are usually fast oxidizers (the rate at which food is converted into energy) and parasympathetic dominant (easy digestions/conservation of energy). They are usually the ones to fail on a diet plan, suffer from anxiety, often feel lazy or lethargic, and crave fatty foods easily.

Carbo Type: People who fall under Carbo type Metabolism are usually slow oxidizers and sympathetic dominant. They usually have a weak appetite, face issues with weight management, and have a high tolerance for sweets. Another significant characteristic of people falling under Carbo Type Metabolism is that they are dependent on Caffeine.

Mixed Type: Being neither fast or slow oxidizers or sympathetic or parasympathetic dominant, Mixed types usually have an average appetite. They have cravings for both starchy and sweet foods and fail on controlling their weights. Anxiety, fatigue and nervousness are usually additional attributes.

Please note that in case you are finding it difficult to outline your metabolic type, then you can seek additional help, and get your full analysis done, so as you can create and follow your correctly dialled metabolism centric diet.  

The Role of Your Thyroid in Metabolism

Your thyroid is responsible for regulating the metabolism i.e. strengthing the system’s ability to break down food and convert it into energy. The fast and slow metabolism is defined by the body’s capability of utilizing the foods at different rates. An abnormal drop/rise in the metabolism can lead to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis which is an autoimmune disease, a disorder basically that turns one’s immunity system against the system. It is necessary to heal hashimoto’s thyroiditis or keep a regular check on the thyroid gland by constantly monitoring your metabolism, so are no possibilities of any future complications.

Why should you need to understand your Metabolism?

The second best question in this article is to why you should care about your metabolism. Since decades there has been an ongoing discussion on what diet/exercise one should follow in case he/she needs to let go that extra pounds, but nearly a strong portion of the population has failed to maintain it. This failure has been a result of mismanaged dietary charts which are never in proportion with your body metabolism. This cross effect of a disproportionate diet is often rejected by the body which makes it important for any individual to know what his/her health accepts and responds to.

Final Words: A correct dietary plan comes in accordance with an understood metabolism and body type. It is recommended to consult a dietary expert first and then strategize/follow a diet plan as the success rate of weight management and a healthy lifestyle comes out to be the best when metabolism is justly managed. Stay healthy and eat wisely.

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