I went from being clueless about everything “energy” to living my purpose and rekindling the flame with the lightworker within me. You can too!
A few years ago I didn’t know what the term lightworker meant. Sure I had heard of psychics and mediums and tarot readers, but light worker wasn’t a term I had heard of. I grew up with family members going to psychics to get information about their past and their future, thinking it was pretty cool that some stranger could give you so much information about you and your life!
As I became an adult, although I still didn’t truly understand the workings of these modalities, I knew, or so I thought, that you had to be born with a gift, you had to be special, in order to do all those things. You had to be clairvoyant, clairsentient, claircognizant, or something to do what these people did.
As a child, I’d go to church with my grandma and remembered how those that were gifted, weren’t in alignment with the church, or so they said. I think that perhaps that’s what held me back from looking into more about all that was considered esoteric. As I became an adult, I had no strong religious ties or convictions, instead I had become a believer in that which resonated with me, which, for a while wasn’t much if I’m totally honest.
Energy work was something I knew nothing about! In 2016 an acquaintance of mine put a post on Facebook about this energy work she was doing called Marconics and I felt drawn, like magnetically drawn! Knowing only little about what Marconics was, the pull was strong enough for me to “know” that I needed whatever it was that she was offering. My first thought/expectation was that she would “fix” me and give me all the answers to living my best life, just like those mediums did back when I was a kid ?
I received my Chakra Unification & Quantum Recalibration in November of 2016 and my life has been forever changed. My acquaintance became a close friend and she didn’t give me the answers I was seeking, instead, she encouraged me to go within and find them for myself! Wait…stop right there, what???? Go within…but what does that even mean?!?!? (Insert the face of a dumbfounded me, disappointed that the answers would not be handed over on a silver platter!).
Marconics is an ascension modality that assists us in reconnecting to who we are at Source via the different sessions. It assists us in raising our vibration above the fear frequency of this 3D reality, shed our density and karmic imprint from this life and others. It helps up reach higher levels of consciousness, learning to reach within for all our inquiries. …wait….say what??? If you’re sitting there wondering, what is this girl on??? Yup, I was wondering the same thing! Haha
Because the pull was so strong, I decided to go with it and see where it took me. I started digging deeper and seeking to find answers, MY answers. My life started shifting as I was told it could. I did the inner work, even when it wasn’t easy I kept pushing forward, with the hopes that someday, I’d receive the answers I’d been seeking. My path to self discovery and remembrance was not a speedy one ;). I kept working diligently to connect within myself, to connect to who I was at my core and I began to be in tune with who I AM. I nurtured that connection and I began to hear the whispers of my soul, although I may or may not have thought I was going a little loco, let’s be honest I totally did, I kept coming back to stillness and waiting for my big breakthrough…all along omitting to realize that THIS was the breakthrough! The inner work that I was doing was IT, it was something I had never done before, but I was embracing and embodying all of it!
What happened next was this, on a morning in 2018, I felt an urge to learn how to work with energy. Not quite sure where this desire was coming from, I reached out to my friend asking what a “beginner” entry would be. For me who had never had any life uttering experiences as a kid, who had never seen or communicated with ghosts, I couldn’t quite comprehend what was going on. Luckily I had someone to turn to and she told me I had all the gifts within me, I simply needed to dust them off, so to speak. One thing led to the next and that following week, I was signed up and off for an 8 day intensive training to become a Marconics Practitioner. I did and I am!
Originally, the course was simply to fulfill a need and desire I felt to deepen my connection with myself and to broaden my knowledge of this modality, not to actually practice on anyone with the exception of my family and friends that may show interest. What I didn’t know is what the Universe had planned for me, and it was much bigger! My work was never over, and never will be. I continued to grow and sharpen my skills and my talents, and what I came to know is that I AM a light worker, not in the sense that you may be thinking. I still won’t predict your future or describe your past, but what I will do is be your bridge to higher frequencies. I’ll be there to cheer you own as you do your own inner work, and help you up if you fall. I’m here to assist you using Marconics as a tool to help you remember who YOU ARE!
It took me time, what may have felt like an eternity +1…but what I’ve come to know, is that a light worker isn’t there to show you A path… a light worker is there to hold space for you and assist you in raising your vibration so that you can finally create your own. A lightworker will not heal you, but will be the bridge for you to heal yourself. A light worker is someone who will hold space for you to learn to connect within to receive the answers that are appropriate for you in the moment. A light worker is someone who doesn’t want to show you their way, but rather help you find your own. A light worker isn’t someone who will hand you the answers on a silver platter, but someone who will hold your hand and help you get a little quieter so you can hear the answers of your soul. A light worker is someone who can assist you in connecting deeper within, someone who can be your light, while you navigate the darkness and do the work that YOU need to do. A light worker is someone who will be by your side, walking with you and cheering you on while you get comfortable being uncomfortable.
Marconics has taught me all of that and then some. I now know that we are all gifted, we simply need to remember. Those of us who are ready to take the torch and run wild with it are waking up and we’re working hard to make the shifts that are necessary for ourselves. An important thing I’ve learned is this; in order to help humanity, we must first help ourselves. Change begins within us and as we grow and spread our light, the seeds we sow will expand exactly as they should .
What I’d like to tell you is this; stop relying on others to give you YOUR answers! Do the work and go within! Reconnect with yourself at Source. Your answers have been lingering within you, just waiting for you to be ready to receive them. Dust off your abilities, trust them and lean into them. YOU are your greatest healer! You may just need a little help remembering.
Love & light from higher bandwidths,
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