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July 3, 2019

River of Emotions

As a pebble in a stream, I am easily jostled
My river of emotions can take me away
Larger boulders need to hold me close to keep me steady

I am older now, a stone in the river of my emotions
Still riding the current with the need for support to stay still

I am an adult, I’m a boulder in my river of emotions
Watching the water flow, feeling each emotion but with a sense of curiosity and observation
rather than letting it take me away
I am steady in my river.
I am secure.

But imagine those pebbles that have no boulder to stop them.
Imagine those stones who still get taken away
How do they learn to become steady
How do they grow to be secure

Guide your little pebbles to accept their river flow
Hold them close and let the water race over both of you

Feel the power of your strength in knowing how to let the river flow through you

You are one with your emotions
They cannot hurt you
They will pass
And you will remain
Solid, secure, strong and true.

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