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July 11, 2019

The Side Effects of Practicing Yoga Poses Incorrectly for Starters

Doing yoga on a consistent basis can be particularly helpful for your body, but there are certain side effects that you should factor in for. Here we look at some of the side effects of doing yoga, and how you should go about the whole process. 

Oh, the soothing aura that comes with doing yoga. For a moment in time you can truly be yourself and can experience the wonderful world of mental and physical peace. But, beware, because yoga isn’t all goodness and mental tranquility. The initial part of starting yoga can be quite intimidating, with the risk of you hurting parts of your body in the process. 

But before we get to some of the effects you can suffer from by practicing incorrect yoga positions, let us clarify that we are not holding you back from yoga altogether. Yoga is an amazing physical meditation, and there is a lot to gain for you. However, doing it wrong can be daunting and we are mentioning side effects to that. 

Different positions require different levels of expertise from you, which is why you should work with a professional at all times, to ensure that you are doing the whole process in the right manner. 

Side Effects of Incorrect Yoga Positions 

However, regardless of what yoga can do for you, you should always make sure that you follow the right patterns. Incorrect positions can harm you in ways more than one. It is best to have contacts with a professional who can guide you with the right yoga positions. Incorrect positions end up engaging the wrong bones and signal a lot of damages that you would have wanted to avoid. 

Since many people are unaware of how yoga can turn against you, if practiced in the wrong manner, here we look at just what is the right method to practice yoga. Go through this guide and be more aware of why it is necessary to practice the right methods for yoga. 

Here we highlight the different yoga poses and how they can lead to different kinds of side effects within your body.


Sarvangasana is the yoga pose that engages your shoulder and neck bones. The pose is also nicknamed the queen of all asanas, and is quite a complicated position to pull off well. 

Yoga pain is one of the most common side effects, if you get the Sarvangasana pose wrong. This happens when a bone you aren’t required to engage is engaged in the process. Yoga, if practiced wrongly, can induce a lot of stress and pressure on your bones. There are numerous poses that many around you cannot get right. And, when these poses are done wrong, you end up suffering from yoga pain. Sarvangasana requires you to practice different positions that engage different parts of your body, most importantly the neck and the shoulders. 

These positions can be hard to master which is why the person performing yoga has a hard time getting their body positioned the right way. Sarvangasana can be quite fun and amazing once you get the hang of it, but during the initial phase it is quite daunting and intimidating. Many of the positions that you follow for this pose require your body to be extremely flexible, when it is not. 

Hence, the prescribed method here is to be careful with the poses that you practice. Do not bend your body too much under the pressure of a pose. 

There could be numerous reasons why the Sarvangasana pose could go wrong. For starters, the most common reason is that the person practicing yoga isn’t able to pull the pose out right. Thus, it is understandable and intelligent to realize here that if you aren’t able to pull a pose out, it is best to back out of it. 

Do not force yourself into doing a pose, when you are unable to do it the right way. If you aren’t able to get the right method for doing an asana, just back out of it and do not put undue pressure on your body. While yoga can be extremely positive and beneficial if done the right way, it can also have numerous disadvantages if done the wrong way. 

  • Neck pain 
  • Shoulder pain 
  • Muscle strain near the upper neck 


A Marjariasana pose requires you to bend your back and rest your body in a cat-like position. The key areas of focus here are the neck and the back. 

We cannot talk enough about the dangers of a slip disk or a backache if you practice the marjariasana position incorrectly. We have seen numerous people practicing yoga fall prey to such pains, because they did the marjariasana position wrongly, and ended up damaging their back. 

The positions in marjariasana are meant to ease the back pain that you are suffering from, but they can quite easily go wrong if not done the right way. It is best to, hence, work with a professional. 

Marjariasana, if done wrong, can end up causing a lot of pain in the back and might even lead to a slip disk, if you persist with the wrong method, even after you experience the pain for the first time. The key here is to realize just when you suffer the pain, and to back out of the process immediately. Do not let the process linger on, if you are unable to get the right method for doing it. 

  • Slip disk at the back 
  • Nick sprain 
  • Back ache 
  • Muscle pull 


Yoga positions like the Malasana can be quite pressurizing on your ankles. Not only are your ankles frail to the body weight that is exerted upon them, but they are also unable to bear any burden that might come your way if you do the position incorrectly. 

Malasana if done wrong can lead to a severe ankle injury. It is best to be in touch with a professional here, as they would guide you to what is the correct method for practicing these complex yoga poses. You might be tempted to master the pose by yourself, but we aren’t in favor of any such endeavors. 

The Malasana is a tricky position, which requires you to position your body in such a way that not all of the pressure is being exerted on the ankles. 

  1. Ankle Sprain 
  2. Lower Calf Pain 
  3. Muscle pull 


Kapotasana is one pose that engages your neck and involves movement inside the neck. Kapotasana usually requires you to twist and bend your neck, which is why a single mistake on your part here can make you suffer from an extensive sprain in the neck. The Pigeon Pose, as it is popularly known, is one of the more complex yoga poses, and can easily go wrong if not done correctly. 

Make sure that you have a quick guide to follow here at all times. If you do get a stiff neck, head over to a physician immediately, and have them study the details in full. 

  1. Shoulder dislocation 
  2. Neck sprain 
  3. Back ache 


Dhanusana is one yoga position that requires extreme flexibility. This is also one position that can lead to multiple muscle pulls across your body, due to the pressure being exerted at key points. 

Muscle pulls usually happen if you are not flexible enough to perform a yoga pose. Since Dhanusana requires you to maintain and practice flexible angles, you can easily suffer from a muscle pull at any given time. A sprain in the thigh is the most common muscle pull experienced by starters. 

  1. Muscle pain 
  2. Muscle pull 

Master your yoga positions, and practice with an expert to make sure that you don’t suffer any of these repercussions of incorrect yoga positions. 

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