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August 4, 2019

The Space in Between, the Story of a Toad and an Angel Blessing.

When I arrive at my work as an Angel Reader and Intuitive Coach for Watkins Books, Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road London, on a Tuesday I find that I am surrounded by many thousands of books. Although I would love to read every one, I know that I cannot, so I navigate these by divination. Sometimes a book will hurl its self off the shelf towards me,  or I spill coffee on a book and have in all conscience to buy it. Maybe a book will shine its way across the floor at me and I respond to its light.

One day however I took a more conventional approach and simply asked a colleague “J out of all the books here which is your favourite?”

Without hesitation J walked across the floor; climbed on a stool; fished about a bit and handed me Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching ‘A book about the way and the power of the way’. Then he told me that Ursula Le Guin, one of my favourite authors had edited a version. So I ordered that and have continued to be entranced by the book which is in the format of verses ever since.

I particularly love verse no 11 which is called The uses of not:

‘Thirty spokes

meet in the hub.

Where the wheel isn’t

is where its useful.

Hollowed out.

clay makes a pot.

Where the pot’s not

is where its useful.

Cut doors and windows

to make a room.

Where the room isn’t,

there’s room for you.

So the profit in what is

is in the use of what isn’t’.

One the one hand, this verse made me think of how much gratitude I sometimes have for things that are not actually there. For instance sacred silence that brings deep peace when with a friend who is most beloved.  Or when things are going well, I love the lack of drama.  But of course this is a profound verse, that Ursula comments is counter intuitive. She is right. The examples above, the wheel and the pot, are speaking of space being held. But emptiness can be terrifying and disconcerting when I have not chosen it. If I am in a space of structured emptiness; E.G on holiday, or waiting for a train, or a new job to start then I am absolutely fine. I have a plan. The end is in sight. Its when the space seems to stretch on forever, without end, with no plan, that unless I am very present and mindful I can enter into fear and victimhood.

For example, at the end of a relationship that has not ended by choice, or when a contract has come to an end unexpectedly. Or a promise that has been made is not kept. Or a job is lost. Or a project that is planned has not started yet.

I notice that many of my clients arrive at ‘The Red Table” in Watkins, in these times, which I call the space in between seeking guidance and insight. Often just a recognition that there is such a place, as the space in between is useful.

If it is the case that you are currently residing in ‘the space in between’, then the following approaches may be useful to you. They are all based on personal experience:

  1. I have a pact with myself to try not to spiritually by pass any feelings of grief or anger. I use Radical Forgive Techniques and Ho’oponopono to process my reaction, but I also allow my self to feel the pain of it. I discovered that if I have enough patience to sit in misery the pain will pass eventually.
  2. In these times I always make a to-do list and tick actions off as I go along. This helps me to feel more grounded.
  3. Sometimes I ask spirit to give me guidance through signs or through dreams. Occasionally this request will result in something very strange happening. For example, last night just after I asked spirit for ‘a sign’ an uninvited toad arrived in the kitchen and was found to be hopping about by the oven. The only way it could possibly have come in was via the flat roof through the extractor fan. The toad evaded capture, seeking refuge under the kitchen cupboard.
  4. Looking up the symbolic meaning of Toad to the internet I learned “If this creature presents itself to you, it means that the success that you are waiting for is drawing near.  It is often a good luck sign but requires action. Much like the story of the frog prince, the toad is a symbol of having to do something that you may not particularly like” . As this resonated with me I accepted the message. I just hope that the toad found a way out and to a pond though.
  5. Another way of not spiralling downward is to make a daily gratitude list. This really helps me to keep at a higher energetic level and feel that I am walking in grace.
  6. I also remind myself, that, within the space in between, something will emerge eventually. I just have to be patient.

Here is an Angel Blessing for the Day:

“Truly  peace and emptiness contains all the treasures of your days. For these privileges are a blessing that enable your soul to sing. Understand your self to be blessed.  You are served by filling your days with service and love”.

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