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August 18, 2019

Oops – our fingerprints are all over the mirror!

We’ve been asking for it, so here it is: global healing.

We can’t heal what we don’t, or won’t, see. What better way to have to see where the love’s been missing than to elect it’s embodiment as president of the most widely recognized and influential country in the world? We’ve known in our hearts that sustainability, compassion and unity are what we need for harmony on Earth. To get there, we need to look under the hood at why we’re not there already. It’s the sticky part of that whole “we’re all one” thing. We’re in this together, and *we’re all contributing to what our world looks like in one way or another.

(*“Huh?!? I’m not contributing to racism, greed or oppression!” Here’s where your woo-woo meter may go off a bit. Stick with me…)

Everything’s energy vibrating at different frequencies, which includes emotions, thoughts and words. To simplify, the bookend frequencies along this spectrum are love (which has the highest vibration and catalyzes healing) and fear (the lowest, which contributes to illness). In our world of duality we have what we consider feminine and masculine energies, yin and yang respectively. These aren’t gender specific and we all have both. The feminine is where our intuition, compassion, nurturing and joyful aspects come from. The masculine is analytical, protective and takes action. Again, we all have these principles within us. Ideally in balanced amounts to allow for a healthy and harmonious life experience.

How do these energies play out when coming from the fear-end of the spectrum, you wonder? I thought you’d never ask.

The fear-based masculine principles (again, not gender specific) show up as aggression, oppression, competition, control, exploitation and has been running the show in our world for ages. It feels isolated and therefore will ravage everything it can for fear of not having enough or BEING enough. The fear-based feminine allows suppression, wallows with insecurity and people-pleasing behaviors, is desperate for approval and validation, and – also for ages – has stayed small, allowing this assault.

Here’s where it gets interesting:

Looking into our own daily lives, where can we see our own fears playing out? Competing with a sibling or coworker for attention, using guilt or manipulation to get our way, participating in codependent relationships, giving our power away to authority figures? These are small scale representations of how these masculine and feminine fears show up.

On a larger scale, it would look like waging armed forces on another nation to secure our access to their resources, oppressing and devaluing those who are considered different, bullying, building a fear-image among the masses to a perpetuate a distracted and easy to control electorate with the us-versus-them dynamic.

Here’s that sticky we’re-all-one thing again: these behaviors are born out of the same frequency, and they feed each other.

Morally bankrupt authority figures aren’t causing the dysfunction they’re displaying. They’re taking effective action on behalf of beliefs born out of fear energy that has always been here, everywhere.

So now what?

To bring a healthy balance to Earth, we’ll need to tilt the scales in the other direction on the spectrum: to love. All of life vibrates at that harmonious frequency inherently, but we must choose it, moment by moment, starting with our relationship to ourselves, through our thoughts. What we put our attention on grows. By choosing to replay, in our minds, the nightmare scenarios unfolding before us, we’re feeding them with our focus, plus the fear-based energy within us grows. We’re feeding the machine that created these scenarios! It’s just energy, it doesn’t judge or discriminate and we can’t hide it. It just feeds.

To create solutions at the scale of the challenges, we must let love guide our attention and intentions – again – starting with ourselves. What’s our inner commentary? What energy is fueling our perception of reality? By cultivating a loving relationship with ourselves, we will have access to solutions that transcend worlds, diffuse drama, and we can show up providing authentic love and healing services to the world.

This will be the rise of our awakened-masculine and feminine principles. Love doesn’t get caught up in bureaucracy, it just feeds starving children, ensures health care is available for all, protects nature and animals. It’s done with inspired and effective action. Now.

Whatever energy we take action on behalf of is what we’ll see more of in the world.

We’re facing unprecedented times, unlike anything we’ve faced before. If we wish to move beyond our struggles in the world, we must be what we’ve never been before. This revolution is an inside job. Discovering, and then elevating, our own energetic fingerprints on the inside, we can begin to show up in ways that dissolve the fear-based reflections on the outside.

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