Three Steps to Fearless Manifestation
In a conversation with a colleague recently, our differences of opinion coupled with our deepest life passions brought a fiery heat to what we mutually concluded were just a need to agree to disagree. At the end of the day, neither of us opposed the others’ opinion. We were each just emphatically more in favor of our own.
The topic of discussion was manifestations. She is a Spiritual Healer and I an Organic Lifestyle Consultant. While the contrast seems quite apparent, most of our processes are conceptually the same. My practice is spiritually based and is inclusive of the law of attraction as well as metaphysical principles. As such, the same is true with her healing practice.
However, my methodology incorporates both Eastern practicalities with Western philosophies. I literally have no discrimination regarding my avenue of manifestations. The how is NOT my concern. Be it Buddha, Jesus or Tony Robbins. Bring it on!
With or without an enlightened consciousness understanding, we can embrace that which is duality. In Truth, we are spiritual beings living a physical experience.
What does that mean?
It means that we have an existence in mind, body, and spirit. We are a Oneness being that is not limited to one but all three aspects of our consciousness. However, just in case that was as clear as mud, think of it as the Holy Trinity and ascertain your own logical conclusion from there.
Furthermore, cultivating only one or two aspects of ourselves produces unbalanced energies. Unbalanced energies attract scattered manifestations. Scattered manifestations produce undesired life experiences. Undesired life experiences produce unbalanced energies. You see where I am going with this, right.
This energetic imbalance would be akin to praying for a healing of lung cancer while smoking a pack of cigarettes daily.
Stay with me. There really is a method to my madness.
Unpacking this concept further, let us venture into a part of our duality that can impede our embracing this powerful trinity of Oneness all together.
The Ego.
The ego is so underrated therefore extremely overlooked with respect to manifestations and many other areas of our lives. To that end, the ego’s job is to use a fear-based mindset as preventative and protective measures of keeping us safe. In an article written by Alan Cooper, The Culture of Fear, Alan capitalizes on the inaugural address from our 32nd President, Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933. He identifies fear as a nameless, unreasoning, unjustified, terror that is unraveling the fabric of our society. He continues by acknowledging the product labels that exhort scary warnings, car and house alarms, media hype of crime epidemic and the dignity stripping airport security process among other traces of fear.
Franklin D. Roosevelt‘s quote, also mentioned in Alan Cooper’s article, reminds us
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”.
Baseless fear drives our choices. In some instances we choose to cower in the face of fear however in others, we choose to assert power.
Respectively, some examples of fear-based choices.
We cower with conditional love.
We cower with limiting beliefs.
We cower with poor health.
We cower with a poverty mindset.
We assert power with guns.
We assert power with accomplishments.
We assert power with appearances.
We assert power with superiority.
While the ego takes on a bad rap, all parts of us make up our divine creation. Therefore, let us embrace the ego with the power of love.
The antithesis of fear is love. With love, there is faith. With faith, we can assert limitless belief. With limitless belief, we become fearless.
The question is. Does your faith align with your beliefs that align with your actions?
To help answer that question, I present to you my Three Steps to Fearless Manifestations. However, first I will provide you with examples of the steps using two of the fear-based choices above. These examples show how we manifest both negative and positive life experiences. The choice is ultimately ours what we attract.
Step 1 – Anticipation
Step 2 – Participation
Step 3 – Activation
Example A: Taking the gun reference and its fear-based assertion of power above. The common statement that I have heard is “I own a gun for the protection of my family”. This statement energetically sends out a vibration of an anticipatory threat. The limiting belief is that a gun will protect your family from that threat. Therefore, your action/participation is to have a gun in preparation for what you anticipate. Although essentially baseless, the ego perceives it as real. You have now activated the energy of “my family is not safe without a gun”. The universe, then responds accordingly.
The previous example is of a fear-based manifestation. I can feel the burn of disputes on this one.
“What you anticipate and how you participate is what you activate”.
– Zenobia Davis
Manifestations are in direct alignment with beliefs and beliefs are in direct alignment with actions.
“Ask, Believe, and Receive” – The Law of Attraction. I anticipate miracles to happen every day.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” – Philippians 4:13. I can be safe without owning a gun.
“The thought manifests as the word; the word manifests as the deed; the deeds develop into a habit, and habit hardens the character. So watch the thought and its ways with care and let it spring from love born out of concern for all beings.” – Gautama Buddha
The following example is of a faith-based manifestation.
Example B: My client, Rick, is ready for a soulmate. He has made this intention known during his Feng-Shui Redesign consultation with me. He anticipates the loving relationship that he has always desired but seems to have had trouble manifesting in the past. After enrolling into my program, Irresistible Organic Attraction, we began shifting his anticipatory energy from lack to abundance. From fear-based to faith-based. This allowed him to participate in the inspired actions that were in alignment with his anticipation. In this case, along with some other actions his participation was to prepare his home for his soulmate with the expectation that she was indeed on her way. In addition, we activated his soulmate connection by visualizing their future and energetically feeling her love. Nine weeks later, the universe responded accordingly.
Three Steps to Fearless Manifestation
Step 1- Anticipate. Have an unrelenting positive expectation of your desire.
(Mind) Align with a growth mindset and release fear-based lack mentality.
“Ask and it is given”
Step 2 – Participate. Actively participate in the universal process.
(Body) Align your actions with faith. Act in the face of fear.
“Faith knows it has already received and acts accordingly”
Step 3 – Activate. Believe in the power of the universe. Believe that you are worthy of your desires.
(Spirit) Align your energy with the vibration of love and abundance.
“The secret to having it all is believing you already do”
Upon further inspection, my colleague and I may have disagreed on the process but ultimately we agree that fear is the mother of all failure.
Manifest accordingly.
What are your fears preventing you from manifesting?
Comment below.
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