August 26, 2009

Life would’ve been easier for Gandhi, Nelson Mandela Dalai Lama if they didn’t speak up.

What if Dalai Lama, Mandela, and Gandhi had just chilled and “spent more time with their families” or taken care of No. 1?

This brilliant, almost-too-subtle (just a line at bottom) ad campaign was created by UNCLE Grey A/S Denmark. It vividly reminds us that in getting up off the couch, in working our butts off for the benefit of others, no matter the setbacks…it’s all worth it.

Even if we don’t amount to half or 1/100th of Mandela, Gandhi, or the Dalai Lama, at least it won’t be for a lack of trying, and a surfeit of surfing, skiing and barbecuing!

[galleria thumb_w=120 thumb_h=90 thumbnail=”bottom” navigation=’none’ ]


Waylon Lewis is the founder of elephantjournal.com

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