October 5, 2011

Precepts of the Spiritual Warrior

Energy of Mind: A Sauhu Therapy

Whether or not you are following a martial path of spiritual cultivation, these precepts are wonderful food for contemplation. They are borrowed directly from oral teachings of Acharya Dharmanidhi, founder of Adi Yoga and Trika Institute, which are both schools for the preservation and dissemination of classical, Non-dual Shaivist Tantra (NST).

The Path of the Spiritual Warrior

1. Selflessness – the path beyond the self

2. Loyalty – the path beyond preference

3. Self-control – the path to spontaneous freedom

4. Gentleness – the path to sensitivity

5. Detachment – the path to wisdom

6. Fearlessness – the path to the full freshness of each moment

7. Impeccability – the path beyond sleep/dullness

8. Cultivation of Spirit – the path of expressing inherent luminosity

9. Dedication – the path of commitment

10. Honor – the path of Vajra Pride

*Fruit/goal: Stillness in action and action in stillness.

These precepts are shared in great gratitude for the efforts of those brave spiritual warriors who have had the courage to cut through the jungle of mental complications, revealing their True Heart of wisdom and compassion, keeping alive authentic dharma traditions. May all beings be free. May all beings happy. May all beings be at peace. May all beings know love.


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