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October 2, 2019


Most people who aspire to be an entrepreneur are under the impression that they will have to sacrifice a lot in the process. They worry that they will have to sacrifice their family, or their social life, or the idea of traveling because if they want to truly succeed then they’ll need to contribute 100% of their time to their business. I often hear people say “I don’t have time to do it all” but, that isn’t true. Everyone has 24 hours in a day, what’s most important is how we spend that time. The truth of the matter is that you CAN have it all. I mean, who wouldn’t love enjoying a fulfilling life and at the same time having some cool cash lying about. All you need to do is to figure out how to strike the right balance of which I will be sharing tips that can help.

There are tons of advice out there on how to strike the right balance, but the truth remains that a lot of people are tired of hearing advice that isn’t really practical and realistic because designing and creating a life that reflects your business values and at the same time satisfies your soul is a very rare achievement.

Every successful entrepreneur or business owner is aware that work never really stops when you embark on the journey to grow a successful business. If you focus a lot on your business, I can wager that your personal life will be a lot boring, attention-lacking, and unfulfilled. However; if you focus a lot on your achieving a fulfilled personal life, your business will suffer and probably leave you broke. So yeah! It’s important to know the Right Way to Juggle both your Personal Life and Business in order to achieve fulfillment and success in business.

In my opinion, the master key to having it all is:


Yes! Good time management is a dominant key to actualizing a good balance. No job or business should swallow 24 hours of your time, hold on, not even up to 20 hours. For crying out loud, you have a life to live. Life is too short to spend it all on work, work, work. Just like the saying that goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. There should be a time when you are closed for business and focus on your personal needs. However, you can’t spend all your time on play, play, play either. When you are closed for business, there may be specific situations that may require you to work after business hours, but that should be the exception, not the rule. It’s important that you set the right boundaries. Don’t let work encroach into your personal life and don’t let your personal life encroach into your business/work life.

To assist you with ideas on the best ways to manage your time, I will outline tips below.

 Substitute. Think of a process or equipment that you can substitute for a current one that will quicken the way you conduct your business.

 Eliminate: You must remove processes, attitudes, and people who do not add value to your personal life or business.

 Re-arrange: Think of how to re-arrange your regular regimen or routine to accommodate the other.

 Combine: You can integrate your personal life into your work life without encroaching or affecting each other. You should also ask yourself, what time-consuming actions you can merge to manage time.


Business owners who aim at conducting their business affairs alone are prone to having a business crash. For an entrepreneur, it’s important to build effective support along the way no matter how small the group is. Look for a mix of skills and talent in your support team.

Even at home, especially for a mother, when you are left to do all the work you face the risk of burning out and putting your business in jeopardy. When you divide the work either as a mother or the head of the family, you can be helped in carrying the burden. Splitting up the work/chores allows everyone to work as a team and feel valuable.


As a business owner or an entrepreneur, your personal life and business are a non-stop juggling that needs to be re-adjusted when the need arises. This is so, as what worked perfectly this week may not go that exact way next week. You will get to find out that there are times when everything is going so well at home which gives you the opportunity to devote more time to work. However, there days you will get to see that problems surface in your personal life and more attention is required in that area. You might even have to drop everything in regard to your business and devote it to solving the problem.

It is very crucial that you redesign yourself to be emotionally flexible to accommodate these unstable situations.


A lot of people try so hard to be perfect in managing their business and family affairs that they neglect their health and body. Well here is news for you, YOU CAN NEVER BE PERFECT! You can only work towards perfection. Take care of yourself and be your own top priority. Failure is inevitable especially when your family and employees depend on you. The important thing is to be able to learn from your failures and be able to rise again. People often neglect their physical fitness when they work too hard. Don’t ignore this crucial part of your life as it is only a healthy person can have a fulfilled life.

Sticking to these above-outlined strategies early will allow you to be the successful entrepreneur you have been dreaming off yet having an inner sense of life fulfillment. You will be able to draw strength from un-used skills and design better ways to handle very stressful situations. Your own happiness is what matters most in this life, if not achieved, what is the purpose of your existence? Life will lose its values.


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