I feel like I’ve failed my children. How many feel this way but don’t say it out loud? Many just seem to merely carry it. I am many and I am done carrying it so, I feel like I’ve failed my children.
I have chose to love and sacrifice in this journey of life that has not always been the best for them. I will never deny how good of humans my children truly are. They are my favorite ones. I will never though be able to express how sorry I am for the hurt I’ve caused in my life that I took them along in. Yes I feel like I’ve failed my children. But the adults they are becoming and my boys learning to be men. I see the way they chose to do good and be good always. Honest hearts they all carry.
I can’t say thank you enough to those who’ve been a light on my journey in life to help me in being able to say though I feel I have failed my children … I can say I have not failed them with honest hearts.
So I guess that “It takes a village” is not just an old statement. It’s a true one. Once you find your village. Your failures become lessons and your choices become new.
We all fail. I’m here to tell you. Find your village who isn’t afraid to fail by side you.
The honest hearts. My village.
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