Respect and Esteem.
ALL people are worthy of respect.
When someone can not feel respected in their life either in their relationships with others and in their jobs, how an individual will receive the opportunity to practice respect ?
When we receive no form of respect it is hard to respect others as well.
Sometimes, we tend to think that because that person has done something wrong to you, we can treat them badly. But no matter what others do, to keep the great importance of respect then we must keep respecting all that deserve to be respected in order to increase our level of consideration for life. Instead of creating bitterness and hatred for others actions.
The value of self-respect is that. And it is not something to take for granted because it was a long time achievement to own it. Often we will discover our own self-respect because someone has threatened it and we had to honor it to not lose it.
Finally being able to identify your capacity to respect yourself is by showing what matters for you, defending your values because it is your own wisdom that you are protecting and with what you are deeply connected.
How you can respect others if you cannot respect yourself ?
Respect is also the integrity you put in your daily tasks and how you value others. Do you respect easier the CEO of a multinational in that big conference more than the bus driver from your neighborhood that you meet daily ?
Now, this will make you understand that under everyone else skins are the same dreams, the same good and bad emotions, the same mistakes and the same fears. So why not honouring what is reflecting us the most. The moment you can identify yourself with everyone, is the moment you are uniting yourself with respect.
Respect is the gentleness you give to everything. Not just with yourself, because today there is a trend to be spiritually always happy and self centered and obsessed with feeling good, even in the detriment for others or even knowing the prejudice of your behaviour.
Respecting yourself is keeping your sanity in hostile environment and challenging situations. It is setting boundaries to others who tend to disturb your inner peace too often.
If you are living already with respect, then why still worrying?
If you are already living in respect, know that you are a blessing for anyone and you need to nurture it.
Making peace with yourself is to stop hurting yourself, is to stop having wrong perception about yourself by criticizing every little thing you do bad, which is insulting the greatness that you hold and spread around you. This mind will never be satisfied because it cannot be still and will always find something to comment. Respect yourself to not listen and instead to sit with yourself recognizing all your values.
Self-respect is pausing to look where you are and where you were and feel content about it. Noticing that you became the person you wanted to be yesterday.
Respect is giving you rest, and stepping away from this competition with being better, being more something, more kind, more strong, more right, more wise, more knowledgeable, more successful and never being satisfied with who you are now.
It’s never perfect and never will be.
So just sit with yourself and start to respect all the accomplishments, all the lessons learned, all the wonders you made on the way and receive the blessings.
Respect the all that is already.
Respect the all you are.
Respect the world with the same flaws and greatness that you are too.
We are all the same in different bodies at different stages of life and if we understand this to uplift each other then that will be a good motor to practice respect in society and things will be easier.
That’s my vision of respect.
Less judgements and more acceptance.
Less rush and more satisfaction.
Honouring what is already here and freeing time to nurture it.
October 15, 2019
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