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October 31, 2019

To the one who shattered my soul into pieces, I forgive you.

To the one who shattered my soul into pieces.

I forgive you , I know you didn’t expect that but I am sick of waiting you to apologise. For many years , I was burning by pain and sadness , till I realized that , the apology won’t come. It was a delusion I created because I didn’t want to accept the fact that you abused me .  For many years , I had met you a countless times in my dreams , you were always there smiling without saying a word . Even in dreams you were to proud to say sorry , but I used to believe that smiling meant something . I thought that we were connected and you sending me these hiding masseges ,so I can forgive you . Now I know it wasn’t you at all , that was my subconscious lying to me , time after time , dream after dream , because deep inside I couldn’t believe the damages you did to me .The truth was there shining in my eyes but I turned a blind eye to it. Today I give you my forgiveness and release you from my thoughts and my life . I no longer waiting for your call , nor for your smile , and I pray for your soul to be finally at peace.

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