The number eleven is often associated with revelation that will help transition us into something new and overdue. In spiritual circles 11:11 represents synchronicity, accelerated soul growth and most notably the twin flame connection.
The twin flame, in comparison to a soul mate, is a transformative force due to its powerful and deep spiritual and emotional connection. They are disrupters of the status quo redirecting us onto the path to becoming our true self. They are a catalyst awakening us to consciousness as we learn to practice and embody God’s unconditional, sacrificial, perfect love. The uniting of twins also positively impacts and encourages those around them as a result of purpose filled living.
What I know to be true about twin flames, they are divine connections sent as mirrors to help us grow. When iron sharpens iron there are sparks! Friction produces both change and challenge that can be quite discomforting as one is stretched by the other. The fruit of the process is agape, “the ability to empower another to be their authentic self” (J.Pittman McGehee). Our twin beckons us to awaken, calling us to let go of our own plans to courageously embrace and align with those of the Divine, but we must use our free will to choose it.
These divinely appointed partnerships are not about attachment or co-dependency, but rather the liberation of two whole people becoming their authentic selves in the sacred space and witness of another where they are seen, known and can be vulnerable, freely being who they are. Twin flames are a beautifully powerful connection indeed to be cherished.
For me, it’s been a journey of awareness, acceptance, surrender and equanimity, a rollercoaster ride into myself that has shaped me into my authentic self and for that I will forever be grateful. My advice when you find yourself in the presence of your twin flame: look inward, seek Divine wisdom, listen, discern, test that the fruit the partnership bears is good, then don’t resist, choose it knowing you’ve been given a most precious gift from above. Let your twin do what God intended, change you.
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