Many of us have heard the phrase “Your body is a temple”. Our bodies are sacred, and therefore they must be protected and treated with respect. If we want to experience good health, happiness, success, and more, we must take care of our bodies, for we only get one in this life.
Think about what the image of a temple sparks in your mind. Naturally, it brings for the ideas of sacredness and sanctity. But, what about power, symbolism, and the center of knowledge or wisdom? A temple can be seen above the other buildings in a city. It sticks out on purpose to showcase its significance and power.
Think of your body as a temple: sacred, beautiful, inventive, amazing, worthy of honor, and powerful. We don’t even know the full potential that our bodies have, and medical professionals are still learning more about it as time goes on. It’s intricacies and complexities only add to its beauty. No one can deny that our bodies have an amazing design. And another thing you may not have realized is that overall, our bodies are designed to heal.
Our Bodies are Designed to Heal
This is the plain truth. Every bacterium, every cell, every atom of our being is constantly multiplying and renewing itself in a bid to keep us alive, healthy, and surviving. So why are we told by medical professionals and pharmacists that we can only restore our health in some ways but not other ways? Why are we fed the negative beliefs that we cannot get better?
That can leave us feeling completely and utterly helpless.
Take back power into your hands: Our bodies are designed to heal themselves. Think about it. The simple fact that we can heal from injury goes to show that our bodies heal, they want to heal, and they are built to heal.
- Your cells are tirelessly working: Each day your cells are dying, starting over, growing, and replacing old cells throughout your entire body. This process doesn’t just occur after injury: it occurs every day. Humans lose about 300 million cells daily! Your body is always looking for ways to improve and build a healthier you.
- Your gut renews itself every few days: Gut cells are dividing and differentiating regularly to produce new body tissues for repair. That is why the gut heals so quickly, and it’s why I was able to cure myself of Ulcerative Colitis.
- Your bones will grow back: If you break a bone, you can actually heal the bone once the break is set. It will fuse together to create a whole bone again. It takes time, but isn’t this amazing?
- Your liver can regrow! If, for some reason, you need to get ⅔ of your liver removed, it can still function without the other portion, AND it will return to its former size months later!
- Your body knows what to do in starvation mode: Let’s say you don’t or are unable to eat for a certain amount of time. Your body has got your back. Your body moves from glucose to fat-based metabolism, and then to muscle and tissue. Your body knows how to work to fight for survival. It wants to live and heal.
There are so many other ways that the body heals itself, but these are a few of the big ones. Every second of every day, your body is a smooth functioning machine, trying to keep itself at is best.
Why Does This Matter?
With the rise in disease and chronic health conditions, it may feel like our bodies are working against us. We may just accept that getting sick is an inevitable part of life.
While attention to physical health through exercise and good eating habits have also increased and gained more value in recent years, we still have an underlying fear that our body could turn against us.
If we do need to visit a doctor, they might only provide ONE solution: Pharmaceutical drugs that don’t solve the problem, but disguise it. Sometimes they come with awful side effects that don’t make you any better.
Doctors also have this awful habit of dismissing patients by telling them there is no other option, or that there is no way to recover.
How to Help the Healing Process
Your body is designed to heal. But, it can’t heal if it’s constantly being injured by you or outside factors. If you kick a wall and break your toe, it will heal. Unless you keep kicking that wall. Every day.
We can take an active role in our bodies’ healing process. With your assistance, your body can do its job properly. For example, if you aren’t getting enough sleep, your body won’t be able to carry out its functions as well as it could. Therefore, you might get sick, feel drained of energy, or start to experience other negative symptoms you don’t normally experience. So, help your body heal itself by giving it everything it needs to do its job properly.
- Eat: Decrease the processed foods, increase the plant-based foods.
- Sleep: Sometimes you’re just so busy or you want to go out that you compromise on sleep. Sleep is essential to your body’s functioning! You have to get at least 7 hours a night.
- Exercise: The more healthy and beneficial exercise you do, the better you will feel, and the more energy you will have! Sitting around all day damages your health and won’t help your body to help you heal.
- Decrease stressors in your life: It may seem easier said than done, but it is possible. Health in Balance organizes stress into 4 categories: emotional, structural, biochemical, and energetic. Remedies could mean diet change, counseling, breathwork, career change, health evaluation to find root causes, change of environment, and more.
- Work with nature, not against it: Follow the flow and balance of nature to help your body heal itself from its ailments. That means consume natural foods, follow your circadian rhythms for sleep and activity, don’t overwork yourself. The more you follow nature’s guidance and listen to your body’s signs and signals, the healthier you will be.
Our bodies can heal themselves, but it is our job to treat them as the temples they are and provide them with all the resources they need to keep us healthy for longer.
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