Read that sentence again….let it sink in. Your health depends on what you do today. We all have a choice, every single second of every day and those choices shape our next moment.
You cannot make one choice without it affecting your next. Everything is linked and interconnected. When I say health, I’m talking about whole health.
I’m talking mind, body & soul. I’m a firm believer in aligning all areas in life, nourishing all parts of ourselves in order to truly live a happy & healthy life.
So many women tell me they can’t afford to invest in their health, yet they have the most recent version of the iphone and go to the drive thru daily. I’m not judging, far from it, but I’m simply making an ascertainment.
So many people go through life, poisoning themselves from the inside out and think they’re healthy because they have no diagnosis or they haven’t had anything “major” hit them medically…that’s not health. When we live this life and we continuously destroy ourselves, inevitably down the road we will have to pay one way or another and more times than not it’s a high price.
Our society doesn’t value health until it’s gone. Our society teaches us to treat the symptoms and not the cause. We’re not told the whole truth and that is a tragedy.
You see, your health is influenced not only by the foods you eat and the way you keep your physical body healthy (exercise). Your entire being needs to be healthy and that means physically, mentally, emotionally & energetically.
When you live a stress and anxiety ridden life, when you are constantly doing, when you are always busy, busy, busy never taking time to be…you’re missing out on some of the most beautiful moments of your life.
When you are constantly fueling your body with chemical ridden foods, when you keep tearing yourself apart, when you allow others to belittle you, when you allow your outer world to affect your inner world, your body cannot be functioning optimally.
So that choice you’re about to make about the foods you want to put in your mouth. The choice of words you use to speak to yourself. The way you choose to react to a situation that’s out of your control. All of this will affect your next moment, all of this will affect your being.
You can continue living your life on auto pilot, allowing foods, people, things & situations to destroy you slowly or you can choose to reclaim control. You can choose to tune into your body and make different choices.
When you are hungry, choose foods that energize you, not foods that make your stomach hurt. Before you speak words out of anger to later feel guilt and shame, take a step back and really think it through. When you find yourself going down the rabbit hole of negativity, tune in and flip the script right then and there. When you find yourself getting overwhelmed and anxious, choose to take a breath or 10 and simply bring yourself back to center.
Before you react to a situation that is out of your control, ask yourself if the situation is worth the energy you’re about to put into it. Before getting angry with somebody, ask yourself if the anger is justified or if it’s simply your perception of the event that is creating the discomfort.
When you are about to lose it completely because you’ve got so much to do and so little time to do it and nobody seems to be helping, take a step back and allow the feelings to arise without giving them authority over you. Choose to release and come back to center once again.
When you stop and think about it, this very moment determines the next. Your thought determines your next word, your next word determines your next action, your next action determines your feelings….it can easily get out of control if you allow it to.
So I ask you…how do you wish to feel? How do you wish to live your life? How healthy do you desire to be???
Look deeper than what meets the eye, make small shifts in the direction of better health every day because each step you take consistently, over time, will create the ripples of change you never thought possible.
I invite you to reclaim your what’s yours; HEALTH; mind, body and soul. Choose something different today for a different outcome tomorrow. Decide that your health is truly your wealth and live this as your truth. If you don’t choose you, who will????
If you’re ready to choose you, reach out, I can help!
Love & Light,
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