Within each of us
There is both darkness and light.
How can the day be known
Without its ending, the night?
If you choose to ignore both sides
It doesn’t make you right
Or me wrong,
They both belong
Together, in the grander design,
Sometimes in order to align,
my thoughts must go to a very dark place,
Denying this truth won’t erase
Its existence.
Wishing wells don’t make up my total subsistence,
Creative dreaming doesn’t work well in that headspace,
I can’t always be upbeat,
Sometimes life bites me in the ass,
And my vision clouds in the morass.
Those feelings I’ll need to meet,
Not “cancel, clear, delete,”
How can you remain true,
By pretending that contrast isn’t also a part of you?
Now, I take the lessons,
Honor the darkness
Then let it pass,
In my own time,
On my own terms.
Darkness, despair,
Fills up the air
Like sudden storms,
Then gratitude gradually gives birth to a pleasure wave
Brings up a joy that is reborn,
This is my norm.
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