October 29, 2011

Welcome to Colorado Bioneers! ~ Meredith Potter

It was a good first day at Bioneers.

It started with a few workshops to kick things off.  There was a wonderful presenter whose name I did not catch, and will find out tomorrow hopefully.  See part of his opening greeting in this clip.


There was a DVD screening of speakers Nina Simons, Kenny Ausubel, John D. Liu and Karen Brown. They spoke live at the Bioneers in California a couple of weeks ago.  Hannah Nordhaus then gave a presentation on bees, and while she expressed the bleak side of things, she also reassured the audience not to get too depressed over the state of bees.  She painted a picture of how hard bee keepers work, and how without them the world of agriculture would collapse.

After a few hours taking in these offerings, it was time for dinner.  I walked out of the auditorium, and was brought out of my sleepy state from being nestled in a chair into the excitement of art and life.

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