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December 11, 2019

How the Relationship With Your Hairstylist Will Impact Your Hairdo

Many people do not understand how much a good relationship with your hairstyle contributes to your looks. However, it is one of the most critical links to maintain. It not only affects the experience you have in the salon but also how the outcome of that session with him or her becomes. In this article, we discuss some of the different relationship types and how they affect your hairdo. Read on.

Relationship type: You change your hairstylist often

Do you change your hairstyle every time you need the service? Well, that may have affected both your experience and look afterward. When you visit a new stylist, their first session with you may not produce the results both of you desire. They need to take time and understand your needs before they know how to tailor their service to deliver the best outcome.

When you make more than one visit, the hairstylist gets to do a better job than the last sessions. They use the feedback you gave in your previous visit to make the experience even better. Also, your hairstylist can observe how your hair has grown and whether it conforms to your face shape. On shapes, there are several of them and each has its style. Hairstyles for oval face shape are examples of some of the styles you can consider.

This type of short relationship is not the best. You should find a good hairstylist that listens to you and focuses on meeting your hair needs. Although you may need to visit different hairstylists, knowing how to pick the right person for the job is essential. Once you get it right, stick with them, and build a good relationship that will affect you positively.

Relationship type: You’ve worked with the same hairstylist for over a year

If you have had the same hairstylist for one year, it means a lot. First, you may have finally found someone that understands what you need. Also, someone can describe you as a faithful client who also knows how important it is to maintain good relationships. However, how well does this hairstylist meet your needs? There are several ways you can find out.

If you have had the same hairstylist for one year, it means a lot. First, you may have finally found someone that understands what you need. Also, someone can describe you as a faithful client who also knows how important it is to maintain good relationships. However, how well does this hairstylist meet your needs? There are several ways you can find out.

Having a more than a one-year relationship with your hairstylist has many benefits for you. Every time you visit, take at least ten minutes to talk with your stylist. Make suggestions and hear from them; input from both of you will make you more satisfied with the service you will receive.

Relationship type: You’ve built five or more years working relationship with your hairstylist

If you’ve had such a relationship, your hairstylist has probably become family now. However, few relationships last for such a period and therefore, both of you should count yourselves lucky. Furthermore, it means that you have built a level of trust that may be difficult starting to build with someone else. This hairstylist understands what you need, and you can leave them to do anything with your hair comfortably.

To keep such relationships going, your hairstylist has to be creative. If you continue receiving similar services five years later, it may sour up the bond you had developed. However, an innovative mind will always find something new to make you come back again. Also, there is a downside to this relationship. If you choose to end it, you may have a hard time finding someone else to work with.

However, this type of relationship has more positive effects. After working with the same person for long periods, you become free to share with them. Therefore, in case you do not find their work appealing anymore, you can sit down with them and discuss a way forward before you decide to find another one.

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