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December 19, 2019

Strengthen The Core Of Your Marriage By Having Those Dreaded Conversations

Let’s be honest from the onset. There are some conversations you would never wish to have. I mean, they are as uncomfortable to talk about as they look. Whether it’s about quitting your job to concentrate on having a third born, or just opening up about your love life. Not many of us find it an easy topic to indulge in.

Maybe you suspect your partner is having an outside affair. Or perhaps still, you want to bring the topic about your mother in law, but you just don’t know how to initiate the conversation.

What is more dreadful is not the conversation itself. It is the thought of starting such a discussion. You keep procrastinating. Maybe tomorrow evening, you say. Maybe next week after church service.

Then again, maybe not after all.

Listen, a five-hour conversation starts with a single word. Most couples begin those problematic conversations badly but end up with a healthier and fruitful talk.

Your Busy Schedule Should Not Hinder Your Communication

It is thirty minutes past noon. Gloria stares at her phone grudgingly and quickly drops it back in her purse. The frustration in her face is evident. “How did I miss those three important missed calls?” She yells while making her way out of the meeting. She has been in an end year sales strategic meeting the whole morning.

The first call was from her husband. After three months of constant begging from her husband, she had finally decided to accompany him on a date. They were supposed to go to the theatre to watch live performances as they reflect on their troubled marriage. For the past year, it has been a shaky union, with Gloria threatening to leave. The only thing that had kept them together for long was their two kids. For Gloria, she had hoped that they would find a way out of this. And tonight would be a perfect opportunity to iron out their issues.

The second call had come from her nanny. Her last born had suffered from acute pneumonia and was still under intensive care. A message followed that her son, Derrick, had his temperature risen to relatively high levels and needed urgent medical attention. For a moment, Gloria’s temperature rose. She had allowed her busy schedule to keep her away, even from her sick child. She was heartbroken.

Time Crunch and Shying Away From the Real Talk

Like many couples who both go to work each morning, Gloria and Jack are strained by work-related issues. Of concern is that they have found it challenging to open up in their marriage, thus watching it flow down the drain. What many people like Gloria and Jack do not realise is that Never have I ever questions are not only fun to engage in but also a way to rediscover yourselves. These fun questions help you get maximum pleasure. But more importantly, these kinds of questions help you navigate the dreaded topics. They help set the mood for a conversation you have so longed for but shied to have.

Some of the Never have I ever questions are just random while others are hilarious and exciting. However, you should be sure to end that awkward silence once you have these questions.

So How Do You Ensure You Comfortably Come Up With Those Dreaded Topics?

  • The first thing to acknowledge is that you are never going to be calm when having these kinds of conversations. Once you recognise that, walk into the room and let the discourse dictate how you feel.
  • Pay keen attention to every point you make. Make it as clear as you can.
  • Always try to expound on your partner’s view. You may not agree with it, but it is essential to make this talk more broadened.
  • I need to stress this. Ensure you speak from your heart. Be as candid and honest as can. Do not regret later for not opening up on other things.
  • In the course of your conversations, be silent for a while and reflect on what you have said. Do they reflect the person you are?
  • If there is no respect, the whole initiative is bound to fail. Give respect to one another.
  • Address each difficult situation at a time without interrupting one another.

Always Remember

When we come to the table with an open mind and honesty, be sure to have a better and fulfilling engagement. While the conversations are uneasy and adrenaline-raising, we should never have excuses to put them off.

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