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December 19, 2019

Transiting From College to Career: How to do so Successfully

Transitioning from college life to Career collectively involves transiting from being a student to adulthood and from dependency to independence. It’s a defining moment that needs clarity to make the right steps. It is said he who fails to plan, plans to fail; hence planning is crucial to ensuring an auspicious transit. Towards transition, examine your strengths and weakness, current achievements, goals in life and the following simple but achievable steps.

Be equipped in networking, Job-hunting skills and Scaling interviewing tricks

Since millions of graduates exit from college to career life every year, the threat of missing an opportunity in the workplace is real. Hence, every graduate should be well equipped to face the world as they exit college. The field is small, whereas the players are many, but with adequate preparation, one can grab the available opportunities.

Consider well your next place to call home

As a fresh graduate, you need to choose your next location carefully. For instance, It could be near the town where you can easily and quickly access essential amenities, near the industrial area, etc. It should also be affordable or consider having a housemate. However be cautious when sharing accommodation. You might refer to this article for questions to ask friends.

Gearing up for Professionalism

College life is undoubtedly different from ‘real-life’. Some things like dress code, time management, and vocational breaks are some of the things that need to change. In college, students are used to dressing casually any time, operate their time following a timetable, have long vocational breaks once a semester is over, etc. Transition from college will require them to be ready to fit in career life by, for example, having formal dress wear, learn to work according to office schedule throughout the year unless when granted office offs or leave.

Balancing family, friends and work demands

Life will change after college. This calls for a moment of placing some personal things like family, friends, and work in perspective. The family remains essential, but work demands may force you to reduce contact and communication. Therefore, in case a family member raises a concern, you should be able to explain. Buddies are likely to feel your absence, find other means other than physical contact to stay in touch like via social media. As a fresher in the workplace, give priority to work so as to prove your potential, but not to the extent of being a workaholic.

Consider Internship as a positive move towards your Career

Internships are channels of gaining valuable experiences and skills. Some Internship opportunities do pay allowances while some don’t; however, your main aim should be to gain experience, which is a paramount requirement for employers. It can also be used as an opportunity to connect with mentors in your field hence broadening your perspective.

Be Communicative and Proactive

As a fresh graduate, maintain a good relationship with your superiors, always be ready to learn and appreciate to be corrected when at fault. Ask questions when something is not clear, apologize, and correct your mistakes when asked to. Learn to follow protocol, and how to address fellow employees depending on their positions in the company.

Take Initiative

As an internship, it is wise to go beyond tasks. This demonstrates your willingness and passion for what you do and qualifies you as a job candidate. Don’t just be active when under supervision, grab opportunities presented, and execute them to the best of your knowledge. Be there before reporting time and extend the closing time to achieve more than expected.

Look out for other opportunities

Look out for other possible full-time or better-paying internships opportunities that may present themselves in the market. Most companies prefer employing graduates that are already working somewhere, whether as paid or unpaid interns or doing voluntary work. Keep networking through family, friends, former college mates, social media, and every other channel within reach. Before exiting, ensure to inform your current employer in good time so that they can provide for you a good recommendation letter to be used as a resume in your next employment.

Keep learning

Learning never ends, and the more informed you are, the better placed you are in the job market. Some courses, when combined, strengthen your resume. For example, a Sales and Marketing graduate can combine it with driving skills to make it easier to accomplish the former. The latter can be learned as a part-time course.

Parting Shot

As long as you’re prepared to transit, and execute the above steps patiently you stand a high chance of building your career successfully.

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