September 3, 2009

Mr. Popular.

Congressman Jared Polis, as seen at the Boulder Farmers’ Market.

Yesterday, I was soaking in the free therapy that is the Boulder County Farmers’ Market, walking the “Catwalk” as I call it between all the farmers’ tents after a long, hard day and before the Naturally Boulder Awards Dinner, honoring Green Giant Mark Retzloff.

I came across one tent that was surrounded by people, so many you couldn’t see what the tent was selling. Well, I wormed my way in, and it was my old pal, Boulder’s Business Boy Wonder, my Congressman Jared Polis. I listened as he thoughtfully, patiently talked healthcare with his constituents—impressed by his focus despite being in the center of a relatively chaotic, though civil and relaxed scene—I snapped a few poor iPhone photos, and took off for the Awards Dinner.


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Waylon Lewis is the founder of elephantjournal.com

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