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January 13, 2020

9 Valuable Life Lessons They Don’t Teach You in School

Nobody should underscore the importance of going to school, and neither is that the objective of this article. Going to school will make you educated, teach you social skills, and help you develop your talents. As such, school is a crucial part of your life. The only problem is that school does not teach you everything required to make you fully equipped to face the world once you leave the classroom.

You should learn life lessons that are necessary in the world where you are going to be interacting with other people and taking responsibility for your life. This article is going to teach you ten life lessons that school never taught you but are vital for you to excel in the post-school space.

  1. Things will not always work as you planned
    Setting goals is fundamental if you want to succeed in life. You cannot fail to plan and leave your life to fate because that will be a recipe for disaster. Similarly, even though most of the time, you will achieve some goals as you had planned, other times your goals will flop or become only partially achievable. This is where this life lesson comes in because the time a goal fails or doesn’t materialize when you envisioned is not the time to give up on life. You must be resilient to try again or abandon that goal and set a more realistic one.
  2. Only you can make you happy –Your school did not teach you that nobody owes you happiness or anything else for that matter. You have to curve your own path in life and this includes deciding to make yourself happy. Expecting other people to make you happy is delusional as everyone have their life to live. Don’t waste your precious time coercing people into liking you or make you happy. So don’t at any moment think you can compel anyone to be good to you and make you happy. Do your part and send those thank you messages for friends to show your appreciation for their role in your life. Just don’t expect them to reciprocate or always be there for you. Most importantly, don’t wait for them to be the source of your happiness. Relax and set everyone free and instead rely on the love within you to give you joy.
  3. Exercise is vital – Exercise helps you live longer and fight life-threatening diseases like colon cancer and osteoporosis among others. Exercise will also keep your brain sharper and alert. It will also reduce stress, increase your self-discipline, energy levels, and keep you alert. In short regular exercise will give you optimum mental and physical state that will impact every area of your life.
  4. Collaboration not competition – School taught you competition, which is ok but what you need more of in your life is collaboration. Working together with other people will see go far and do better than you would have done competing with them. So learn to ask for help and to team up with other people.
  5. You learn from experience-learn from others mistakes – Experience is going to be your best teacher since there’s no size fits all or a manual for living life. The important life lesson here is that you should learn from other people’s mistakes so that you don’t make them yourself.
  6. Relationships are vital – Relationships give meaning to your life and make it more enjoyable since your mental health, and personal well being are determined by the kind of relationships you have. You should, therefore, learn to form new relationships and work on the ones you have. Interact with people you meet and be friendly to your neighbors.
  7. Graduating and passing exams is not the end – Just because you performed exceptionally in your exams doesn’t mean you have your life sorted out. Passing exams is just the first step in learning, and you have to adapt to a changing world. You should continue with the learning process so that you are all-round equipped to face life. For example, you should learn life skills that will make you more marketable in the workplace.
  8. Money won’t buy you everything – You might have done well in school and got yourself a great job, but that doesn’t mean you will have everything you want. Money won’t buy you friends, a husband, good health and. Learn to earn these things by being kind to yourself and other people.
  9. You don’t have to be like everyone else – Don’t just follow the path taken by everyone. Getting your certificate and going to look for work is not the path for everyone. You should try new ways of doing things by becoming innovative and creative. Mark Zuckerberg, Thomas Edison, Alexander Bell and Steve Jobs, just to name a few, started out using creativity. School does not teach you the life lessons we have discussed above. To get ahead in this life, there is the stuff that you must discover yourself. However, that does not mean that you should remain ignorant of them. You now know them and should put them into practice and have your life prospering. You will only in this game of life if you stop complaining about what was not given or taught to you and learn it on your own. Grab the above life lessons and let them stick in your head. Any time you face setbacks and new challenges, remember the life lessons and use them for that situation. So go on, keep them in your head and use them when needs arise.
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