September 5, 2009

The Stars at Night…are Big and Bright…

Ed & Deb Shapiro and the Power of a beautiful View to Reawaken and Inspire us to Serve.

The Dalai Lama once said that looking at vast vistas, beautiful views, was actually spiritually important—it popped us out of our own self-referential mindstream. This story via my friends Ed and Deb Shapiro on Huffington Post reminds me of that.

Every night before I go to bed, I go outside on my balcony and stare at the stars (the few bright enough to shine through our light pollution here in Boulder, Colorado) until my mind opens up and I feel a bit of that peace, and being-present-with-Nature stuff, that I remember feeling as a crazy kid when I’d be at summer camp up at Shambhala Mountain Center.

Check out and comment on Ed and Deb’s story, which serves as a wonderful reminder of the power of the cosmos to reawaken us and inspire us to be of benefit to others.

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