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February 7, 2020

9 Guaranteed Ways To Help Improve Your Emotional Intelligence And Self Esteem

Emotional intelligence is being able to master your emotions, comprehend, and manage them. Emotional intelligence is very important as it governs how you relate with people. You get all kinds of emotions at different times and scenarios, and you should not let them drive you.

Maybe your emotional intelligence is wanting because you may be thinking that is how you are created. The good news is that you can learn how to be emotionally intelligent and become a person people want to relate with.

#1: Be assertive

Know how to communicate while respecting others without making them feel belittled. You should be able to get your point across and you get taken seriously while also leaving the other person feeling validated. You don’t have to shout or talk threateningly but learn to just talk in a tone that conveys you mean what you say. This way, people will respect what you are saying and pay attention to you.

#2: Be empathetic

If you want to improve your emotional intelligence, you must become empathetic to people. Keenly pay attention to what the person is saying and give e genuine response. If they are going through a tough time, be there for them and show them you care. Help them in the way you can like a show of love to them. Learn to resonate with people’s lives honestly and be there for them.

#3; Take criticism in your stride

Do not frown upon criticism but instead use it to grow instead of trying to justify yourself or make the other person feel small. Use helpful criticism to note the areas in your life you ought to improve and work on them. As for negative criticism, treat it as misinformation on the part of the person, ignore it, and move on with life. In summary, do not dwell on criticism and make it affect your emotional intelligence. For instance, do not go shave your natural hair because someone said they could never keep such hair but instead maintain your sense of style.

#4: Own your feelings and actions

To improve your emotional intelligence, do not react to stuff but instead learn to know you are responsible for how to respond in any given situation. Emotionally intelligent people do not blame other people for how they act when they are offended. To improve your emotional intelligence, learn to be calm and diffuse situations when possible. Choose how you are going to react to maintain your integrity and remain reasonable.

#4: Practice gratitude

A daily practice of gratitude will leave you feeling good about yourself, and that will become a part of who you are. When you learn to be thankful for even small things, you will be able to see the positive even in the worst situations. With such an attitude, your emotional intelligence will be improved and you will be in charge of your life.

#5: Laugh every often as possible

Nothing relaxes you and makes you more personable than laughter. People want to be with people who are joyful as they make them feel good about themselves. Laughing releases endorphins that leave you feeling good and calmly able to deal with any situation. Laughter will reduce stress, calms, and sharpens your mind helping you become empathic.

#6: Learn to express yourself

To improve your emotional intelligence, learn to express yourself when communicating with other people. When you clearly say what you intend to say and make it clear people will understand you and there will be no chance of misunderstandings and conflict. This way you will reduce friction with people and they will also get your instructions quickly. This way you can move forward with other things while having agreed on what needs to be done.

#7: Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses

In order to improve your emotional intelligence, learn to understand your strengths and weaknesses. This way you will master your strengths and use them to your advantage and work on your weaknesses to strengthen them. When you recognize your strengths and weaknesses, you will be able to deal well with people because you will keep off situations that tempt you to be weak. Likewise, you will gravitate towards situations that will bring out the best in you.

#8: Master other people’s emotions

To improve your emotional intelligence, master your feelings but also master other peoples’ as well. This way you will be able to deal with them no matter how irrationally they act. They will not pull you down with their antics or make you react but instead, you will keep your cool and handle any situation maturely. Similarly, you will be able to understand people and avoid them when necessary.

Main takeaway

Take control of your emotions and get better at relating to people and managing stressful situations. Using the ways we have learnt above you will be able to show empathy and take control of circumstances instead of letting them spill out of control.

Do not let emotions rule your life due to being driven by them. Become instead a person who takes time to evaluate yourself and give the best response regardless of what you are faced with. Understand that people have different upbringings and life patterns contrary to yours. They must not always agree with you, and neither do you have to but you should all reach an agreement that is favorable to everyone.

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