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February 14, 2020

The Tides of Time

When the tides of time shift 

The wheel of life turns 

You sit with wonder at what has been and returned 

You ask yourself who am I to be? 

Are you the person in the mirror you see?

Are you the eyes that look back at you?

Or are you someone completely different too?

Are you the sum total of what you see?

Are you more complex than that a mess of feelings? 

Are you the thoughts of your being?

Are you the one who holds the key? 

The key of life and your reality

Are you the dreamer, the weaver, the sage?

Are you the person who holds the space?

Are you the believer, the skeptic, the doubter of life?

Or are you the bringer of hope joy and peace?

Do you belong in this space and time?

Do you hold true with all things divine?

Are you the keeper of the secrets of the age? 

Do you react to past lives’ rage?

Are you wisdom keeper, the alchemists, the mage?

The priestess, the wild woman, the muse or Grace?

Are you the leader, the liberator or not sure of these?

Do you trust and just smile be amused as you see

Do you feel this and more?

Deep into the wisdom of your bodies core 

Do you feel some of this or none or all?

Are you the one that holds all and near 

The gatekeeper of lives long past and dear

Do you moderate the situations at hand? 

Do you feel the pain as it flies around and lands?

Do you burn out and become a heaving wreck 

Hiding yourself from life’s regrets 

Are you the keeper of the families lost prose? 

Are you here now to heal the light your heart,  your being, your lines?

Is this you? 

The being so precious and rare 

That you hide like a mouse behind a chair 

Honour your instincts and really begin to know how this will sink in 

That all you fear is real from somewhere, maybe not now but lifetimes ago.

Feelings passed on from others in time

Twisted a little with the perception of each one down the line

And by your own perceptive feelings on your part of the vine

Honour yourself 

Let yourself heal

Let your bloodline cleanse 

So you can become real

When you believe it is true, you accept it is real 

Then you will shine and show your self as authentic courageous strong beautiful heartful love





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