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February 14, 2020



Time between time 

Light between lives 

World between worlds 

Days between nights 

The space between rebirth and life 

The worlds meet and sometimes collide 

3 worlds meet or so I am told 

These are the 3 we journey between 

The light the darkness and the middle world we all see 

We live in these worlds hope, joy, despair and pain 

We journey long and sometimes far feeling a pull,  a thread a light from afar.

Sometimes we experience a touch, a sense, a call

Sometimes it even makes us jump or flinch 

We search for this pull not knowing where 

Even though it’s right within us it’s there

When we feel our passion we see our light 

We open a doorway to the 3 worlds of life

Now we live between the world’s 

After all, we are human and are born of it all

Knowing this and feeling your heart to 

You know your passion is your purposeful stride 

When you live your life from passions place your magnetic pull is one from Grace 

You are the Grace the voice the heart 

You are the survivor from the start

You bring yourself out for all to see reinventing 

Gracefully and so easily 

You are the power the heart and the voice 

You are perfectly imperfect authentic and real

You are here to change the world 

You are here to be.


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