Our heart is a mysterious organ, from the mystery of how it first starts to beat in utero, to the discovery of neurons in our heart and its’ connection to our emotions. We seek to uncover the mysteries with science. Through the scientific study of our anatomical heart, we have found an electromagnetic field, the location of our intuition and how to protect our heart with a higher vibrational state.
With our increasing dependency on technology and electronics, I want to discuss our most important electronic of all, the electrical heart. Our heart is so much more than a simple pump, moving around and oxygenating our blood. It produces the strongest source of bioelectricity in our bodies, which is 40-60 times stronger than our cranial brains electromagnetic field. According to the HeartMath Institute, this electrical energy field permeates every cell in our body, surrounds us by 360 degrees and can be measured several feet outside of our physical body. The electromagnetic field your heart emits, changes according to your emotions and can be influenced by others. Ours hearts have their own complex nervous system, a cluster of around 40,000 neural cells, first called the “little brain” by Dr. J. Andrew Armour, in 1991. This heart brain sends more information to the cranial brain than the cranial brain sends to it. It has both short and long-term memory, and sends signals to the cranial brain that affect our emotional experiences.
The mystery continues when we try to figure out the location of our intuition. The HeartMath Institute did a study where they had 25 participants do heart coherency and then connected them to monitors to measure their EEG’s, ECG’s and heart rate variability. They then sat these participates in front of a computer screen that would randomly select images that were either emotionally stimulating or calming. The fascinating results of this study shows that not only did the heart and brain respond to the image that popped up on the screen before the computer had even selected it, but that the heart responded before the brain. Our anatomical heart, combined with our metaphysical heart, is our communication center to the unified consciousness. It’s the gateway to the one mind, says Ricci-Jane Adams from The Institute for Intuitive Intelligence. Our heart is the location of our intuition and our hearts intelligence is our highest form of intelligence.
So if our heart is this gateway, how do we access it and how do we protect it from outside influences? The answer is so simple, it may surprise you. The HeartMath Institute created a tool that can help you increase your hearts coherence so that you will be in a high enough vibrational state in order to be attuned to your intuition. Now, Ricci-Jane Adams has taken the HeartMath Institutes heart coherence tool and added touch and breath to deepen this tools capacities to connect us with our intuitive self. This tool, what Ricci-Jane calls heart congruence, can also be used to protect yourself from lower vibrational states so that no matter what is happening in your life, you can maintain a higher vibration or bounce back quicker from an event. As Gregg Braden says, the feeling is the prayer. Heart congruence is your feeling state in action at a vibrational level.
Now how do you do heart congruence? First, it starts with your breath. Take three breaths in through your nose, letting it out through your mouth with an audible sigh. Now bring up your left hand and place it over your heart. Using your imagination, bring forward images that elicit a feeling state of gratitude, love, joy and compassion. Holding that image in your mind for three minutes, bring up your vibrational state. End with a deep breath in through through the noses and again out the mouth with an audible sigh. You can do this anywhere, at any time. You do not need your eyes closed, although this may help you in the beginning. This is not a meditation or relaxation, it is the raising of your vibration. Now this is a very simplistic version but I wanted to keep it simple so you can see how easy it is to use this tool in your daily life. There is nothing outside of yourself that you need for this. Just you, your imagination, a willingness to be open and your breath.
So you see our hearts are our guide to the infinite possibilities that are within each and every one of us. Breath into your heart and connect to your intuition that was always there, waiting for you to see it’s truth beating within your chest.
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