I am in training to become a modern day priestess with the Institute of Intuitive Intelligence and today is the day that I own that.
Up until now I have danced around the topic, dropping breadcrumbs that have satisfied my need to be authentic whilst allowing myself to stay hidden.
The truth is.
I have no idea why I am here.
I have no idea why I am undertaking 12 months of intuitive training or more precisely, I have no cranial brain logic to explain it.
All that I have is this deep knowing that; to quote the very talented Stacy Orrico, wasn’t that a period in fashion eh!
“There’s gotta be more to life
Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me
‘Cause the more that I’m tripping out thinking there must be more to life
Well it’s life, but I’m sure, there’s gotta be more
Than wanting more”
Try as I might I have not been able to shake the feeling that there simply is more to me than daughter of, mother to, married woman, Rae.
There must be more.
I haven’t been able to fully lean into my yearning for there is just so much unknown.
I cannot create a neat little explanation as to why it is I am here, in this space but what I have realised after embracing my very first lecture with Ricci-Jane Adams; is that there are some things that cannot be explained and that doesn’t make them any less real.
The pulling that I have in my very bones doesn’t become lesser because I am stumped as to why I have it.
I cannot shrug off the fact that I KNOW by not being able to prove how I know that I know.
Ya know?!
I know you know.
There is nothing at all accidental about the fact you are reading this.
Blind faith has never been comfortable to me but surrender is my word of 2020 and I am falling all the way back into it. Arms across chest, eyes closed falling.
So many times I have l heard the calling of my intuition only to have my ego yell out “PROVE IT”
It cannot, so I stayed small.
But the more I dig ditches the more I understand that the brain is who we are; the heart is who we will be.
Who we will be. I am excited to meet my fullness.
The maiden lecture of my Third Level training was an in-depth look into the Quantum field. We spoke on the scientific certainties and I loved them.
I loved seeing that there is simply no disputing that this 3D world we are so gosh darn obsessed with is not the limit. I loved knowing that the limit does not exist. That we are limitless.
The thing that struck the most wonderful chord in me however was the unknowing.
The discomfort of not being able to join all the dots but yet the unshakable knowing that there can be truth in theory and comfort in enigmas wrapped up in mysteries and home to be found in the alien.
Our heart space in one such riddle.
The heart is the first organ to form in-utero. Research is currently underway to allow us to understand more but what we are seeing now is that the human heart is unique and that this uniqueness occurs a lot earlier than previously thought and we are beginning to understand that the heart is not a pump.
Studies show that blood moves in a self-propelled mode in spiralling streams before the heart is even functioning in embryos. So before the heart beats the blood moves.
On day 17 or thereabouts the developing heart starts to beat.
It just starts to beat.
Spontaneously is the only word I can come up with through all of my research.
So little is known about this incredible centre but what we do know is that the mysteries of the universe are welcomed here.
We know that the heart omits the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body. We know that the heart’s electrical field is roughly 60 times greater than the electrical activity generated by the brain.
But yet what is a mystery to me is why we do not allow ourselves to live from this space and how we could have forgotten all that we knew to be true for so many years and who decided that prioritising our cranial brain was ever a good idea.
40,000 specialised cells called sensory nuerites (the same as make up as brain cells) live in our heart space.
These heart cells operate independently from the cells of our brain. They THINK independently from the cells in our brain.
They think.
There are so many fascinating stories from successful heart transplant recipients who after surgery have displayed behaviours of the person who’s heart they now have in their body.
One such story proved beyond any doubt that the heart stores memories. A man was trialled and convicted of murder after the recipient of his victims heart started to have very vivid ‘dreams’. These dreams were looked into and they proved to be actual memories of the event which took a young girls life. Actual memories from the physical heart passed from one human body to another. The contraindication of this knowledge is so freaking exciting.
The subject of the heart is just so fascinating to me and my research has taken me to Rudolph Steiner & Ralph Marinelli and so many others and it is simply incredible to me that so little is known about the power of the heart.
Our connection to the full spectrum of our intuition lies in our acknowledgement of our hearts infinite potential.
Connecting back in to this space and allowing our ego to be silenced by the roaring of our most powerful ally is the key to leading a life that has purpose and joy and knowing.
We rely heavily on the expression of our primal intuition, the gut feeling or the after the fact recognition that a different choice may have encouraged a different outcome. This form of intuition is vital to our physical survival. We need to better hone and honour this remarkable system but there are more incredible intuitive results to be had once we harness the full and unknown potential of the heart AND the brain and have them work in coherence with one another.
How to do this is a mystery to me but not for much longer.
So much is unknown in Quantum physics but one thing we know without a shadow of a doubt is that there are no watchers in the field.
Experiments such as the double slit experiment have mystified experts because observation changes the outcome of the experiment.
The knowing is in the unknowing and I don’t know about you but I too dance differently when I am alone. My inner voice speaks louder when I am in solitude. My true potential is felt when I am undisturbed.
We need not look outside of ourselves to be with the wonder of the universe for we ARE the wonder of the universe.
We marvel at the power of the sun without knowing that we ARE the power of the sun. Fusion reaction is the whole purpose of our heart, combining two different matters to create a new one is what it does. We are sun.
We think we are not the vastness of the zodiac but our brain acts in the exact same way as the cosmos does. The connections are the same.
But we cannot put pen to paper and PROVE it so we instead go back to distrust and fear.
The belief that we are separate and alone and finite is a system that we have been taught and the beauty of that lies in the fact that we can learn something new.
When we know better we do better and I am so excited to expand my knowledge on all things connection and intuition and God consciousness so that I can pass on the fruit that I have harvested.
Is your gall bladder Jupiter?
Why can’t we define electricity?
Is the human resonance wave 7.83?
Was the big bang all there was?
Is time linear?
I do not know but I know there is comfort in that.
I will polish this off with a quote from Alfred Russell Wallace as a beautiful take home to ponder over.
“Nature never over-endows a species beyond the needs of everyday existence”
But yet we as humans are completely over enabled for this world. Modern day human came into existence not as an evolution of cave man but as a whole and completely different and full form. Darwin had a theory. Not a fact.
Can you even begin to comprehend the possibilities that open up to us when the collective consciousness raises to a vibration that no longer allows ‘this’ to be it for us.
What gifts are there to be discovered for our open and intuitive hearts when we accept this glorious invitation.
I wonder; without knowing, but with absolute joy at the thought of the discovery and absolute trust that it is in fact coming.
I wonder at our potential.
There absolutely has got to be more to life.
This I know x
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