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February 24, 2020

Effect of Prithvi Mudra on Body by Vedic Yoga Ayurveda

Effect of Prithvi Mudra on Body

Prithvi mudra benefits the body in two ways, i.e., it works on the body as Prithvi-Vardhak (Earth Increasing) and similarly as Agni-Shamak (Fire Reducing).

Hence, the practice of this Mudra is useful to increase the earth element and decrease the fire element within the body.
We can perform this Mudra either to increase/ balance Prithvi (Earth) element or to reduce the Agni (fire) in the body.
Thus this Mudra helps to eradicate chronic weakness, general debility, convalescence, lack of stamina & Energy, Inexplicable weight-loss, and emaciation.

Effects of Prithvi-Vardhak Mudra practice

Prithvi-vardhak mudra strengthens or increases the Prithvi (earth) element within the body.
The element earth is an essential ingredient of bodily tissues like bones, cartilage, nails, skin, hair,  muscles, flesh, internal organs, etc. and is also crucial for the Vitamins the body.
The practice of Prithvi-vardhak mudra builds and invigorates these tissues and maintains the Vitamins in the body as the earth is the mother source of all-natural Minerals and Vitamins.
The earth element is also connected with the nose (smell). Therefore, Prithvi-vardhak mudra can be practiced to overcome or to cure nasal dysfunctions.
Additionally, the earth element is also related to the bodily humor Kapha. The practice of Prithvi-vardhak mudra strengthens the Kapha humor in the body.

Agni-Shamak effect of this mudra

The element Agni (fire) is involved with body-temperature and metabolism. Thus Agni-Shamak Mudra reduces the fire. Therefore it can be used to soothe an overactive Agni and overcome ailments of Agni-excess like inflammation, anorexia, fever, etc.
The element fire is also responsible for bodily humor Pitta. Therefore, Agni-Shamak mudra is an excellent mudra for people with active Pitta nature.

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Jai Hind!!

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