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April 27, 2020

Why COVID-19 Could be one of the Best Times to Date

I wish I invested more time and energy in my romantic relationships. I’m all alone.

After having some time for self-reflection, healing and soul-searching, you might be thinking that a fancy job and your perfectly organized Pinterest like apartment is not what you truly want.

Here are three reasons why COVID-19 could be one of the best times to date and look for love online.


More fish in the sea

Now more than ever there will be a lot of people online. Bumble at the end of March saw 90% increase in the usage of their video feature. Yes, people are showing each other their faces and are looking for ways to connect.

That guy you could have only met at an upscale bar, a golf club, an exclusive wine tasting event, an art gallery opening is currently swiping on Tinder and would love to match with you.

You might be someone that’s against dating apps and even the quarantine could not convince you to try them. But why not give it shot?

No diamonds, no glitter

Are you Miss Royalty? You love finer things in life. You love when they woo you and go out of their way to impress you with exclusive places to dine and trips to take. You love to be showered with gifts and bubbles of Juglar Cuvee.

Then six months into the relationship you find yourself sitting with that person and just watching Netflix. You realise that you don’t have anything in common. You were more interested in all the glitter that came with this person than their world views or their soul.

If you’re looking to meet someone you could form a long-term relationship with, it would take more than just sharing your love for caviar. This is a great time to go back to the basics. Talk for hours on the phone, laugh sharing your childhood memories and favourite shows.


No sex

Have you ever been in a situation where you had sex too soon? I’m not here to tell you that you cannot have sex on the first date or that you have to save the cookie.

However, if you keep finding yourself in a situation where you meet someone, have sex and then try to build a relationship around it, then two years down the line you realise this is not your person, why not try something different?

If you and your online match are currently in the lockdown, it might take weeks or maybe even months before you can physically meet each other. Quarantine could be a great time to build deep and genuine connections that may grow into something even bigger.

Now I’d love to hear from you. Are you currently dating online and have you noticed any difference in how people are interacting with each other?


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