May 4, 2020

Scorpio Full Moon: Let Go of your Triggers & Childhood Wounds. {May 7th}

*Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.

“I’ve never seen any life transformation that didn’t begin with the person in question finally getting tired of their own bullsh*t.” ~ Elizabeth Gilbert


As the Lunar cycle reaches its powerful climax this week with a full supermoon in Scorpio, there is some big transformational energy around asking us to cut the bullsh*t and open our eyes to the stories we have been telling ourselves about our lives, the way people treat us, and the dramas that are circulating.

It’s asking us to face the truth of the situation we currently find ourselves in and own our role in creating it.

It’s time to pull on our big-girl pants, remove the glasses of immaturity that still allow us to blame everyone else and the world for our lives, and wake up to one of the most painful truths of life: as adults we are exactly where we are in life because of the decisions we made along the way.

This is the second in a set of three powerful full supermoons, and, as with anything Scorpionic, it will be intense, karmic, and completely uncompromising. Let’s also consider that it is trine Pluto (Scorpio is ruled by Pluto), the Lord of the Underworld—this moon has the alchemical fires of transformation and truth-seeking running all the way to its core.

When looking to the cosmos for guidance, it’s always useful to look at the lunar cycle we are in as a whole. This one was seeded on the 23rd of April conjunct Uranus, the planet of the unexpected—suggesting that over the next four weeks, our lives have the potential to be shaken up in some way, our day-to-day existence will be re-patterned, and perhaps sudden events will come along to shake us awake.

Additionally, with Mercury in Gemini conjunct this full moon, it indicates that over the next two weeks these unexpected events could be secrets being revealed to us that have the potential to shift our perspective, liberate us from some area of our life where we have found ourselves stuck, or, in some cases, shock us in to resetting our sails and allowing the wind of change to alter our course.

In the wider world with Pluto retrograding in Capricorn, we may also see the secrets of business, corporations, and world leaders being revealed…could be interesting.

On a personal level, I feel that this cosmic vibe will illuminate the boundaries and limiting behaviours we have created in our own lives—specifically around the stories we tell ourselves about why other people behave the way they do with us, what we tell ourselves about what we can achieve and are worthy of, and, essentially, what we think we can expect in life.

What we tell ourselves and others to make us appear more interesting and likeable, what we say to ourselves to avoid personal responsibility—essentially, the programming we received in childhood, from often well-meaning parents—sadly all too often prevents us from reaching our full potential.

In psychotherapy, we call these our “scripts”—as children, we create them to keep us safe and to be accepted by our families.

The “If I am” story lines:

If I am…
…kind to others, then life will be kind to me.
…able to make everyone else happy, then I can be happy.
…successful, then I will be safe.
…thin, then I will be lovable and acceptable to others.
…perfect, then people will like me and my life will be happy.

The list is endless. With all this insightful, uncompromising Scorpio/Pluto energy around right now, it might be worth writing down a few of your own.

Below are some useful signposts to indicate where outdated scripts are operating in your life.

>> Do you use crooked, all-or-nothing thinking a lot? Words that indicate you are running outdated scripts are “should,” “must,” “have/ought to,” “I would, but…”

>> Have you ever looked at someone doing something fabulous and thought, “It’s okay for people like them to do that,” or “I could never do that because…”

>> Have you ever had a strong reaction to someone else’s success? What does their achievement trigger in you?

This is most definitely a time to discard or rewrite our unhelpful, inauthentic plot lines—the ones that are cutting us off from embracing our true nature, our authentic essence.

It’s time to upscale our belief of what is possible—make it bolder, more fabulously audacious, breathtaking in its beauty, and outrageous in its ambition.

Without doubt, this is the energy to readjust and get our life narrative in order ready for the last chapter of this year when the intense regenerating and yet healing pressure will return.

The next wave of outward transformational energy will start to build from October, culminating on the 21st of December—we need to be fully embedded in our authentic selves to really be able to navigate the exciting new landscape that will no longer reward compliance and being normal, but will honour those who live from a place of heart-based authenticity.

A new world, where our ability to thrive in life will be direct a reflection of our creativity, self-respect, personal resilience, and, importantly, emotional intelligence.

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Emma Parfrement  |  Contribution: 3,565

author: Emma Parfrement

Image: DarkWorkX / Pixabay

Editor: Kelsey Michal