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May 13, 2020

Create an online course using your zone of genius

​The digital learning platform is worth over 200 billion dollars. ​The craziest part is it is expected to double over the next 5 years. In reality, I understand why people love having access to online learning material. We live in such a busy world, where we have so many responsibilities and expectations, but that does not mean we don’t have goals or things we would love to learn more about. The problem is that reaching our goals in a busy world sometimes becomes inconvenient. This is where online learning comes in. You can meet people where they are and give them what they need. This is what makes the online learning platform so valuable.
​Research says that over 60% of people prefer to learn online. This is huge! The digital learning atmosphere is making a total shift. The good news is you can be a part of this. Maybe you have considered creating a course, but have no clue what you should create your course about. Let’s talk about it.

Take some time and consider: do you have a zone of genius or passion that you just do exceptionally well? Do you have something that you’re really good at that people come to ask you about often? Do you have formal training on a particular topic that you enjoy?

If so good news you can take that zone of genius, your expertise, and your passion to share it and create a course online to not only increase your income but also your impact.

So knowing this where do you begin. Many people get stuck at this stage knowing they have the genius to share with the world but they are unsure of where to begin.

1. Identify what you would like to teach a course about and make sure its something people will pay for. While we can be passionate about many topics, not all are what people will pay for. For example, if you really love a certain brand of shoes creating a course all about the ways to wear those specific shoes may not be profitable, but creating a course about how to start your own shoe company or ways to be fashionable may be more profitable. Your job is to pair your passion for what is profitable.

2. Now consider what content you already have on this topic. Most of what we are passionate about we will have a ton of content already on. Whether we read a lot about the topic, have gone to school regarding a certain topic, and have collected all that material, maybe you have a blog already or maybe you share on social media about the topic. I had a client who was creating a cooking course, she had tons of texts and emails with recipes – This is content. Your job is to gather that content together.

3. Now you will want to take the content you have and beef it up. Meaning do not take the blog you already did and create the course with the same content. Your job is to take the content and go more in-depth. People are not paying for information they want transformation. The good news is you’re the expert so diving deep with your content should not be a problem. And don’t get so hung up on the word expert, that is simply a person who has gained their expertise through experience. So use your expertise to help educate and inform your audience.

It’s common to overthink the course creation process and to deal with a lot of anxiety about where to get started. The good news is that it does not have to be challenging. Taking your passion and packaging it up to profit is actually fun.

Sure, you may be running into a ton of roadblocks as it relates to creating your course, but you are doing what most won’t do. Research says that most people desire online learning BUT that does not mean the same number of people are willing to actually create a course. So give yourself a pat on the back for committing to this and choosing to let your genius flow.

Check out my YouTube Channel here to learn more:

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