Pre- Corona world and Post – Corona world is not going to be the same . If you listened and read all information about the pandemic then sure you would have taken all steps to safeguard your profession. Believing that uncertainty will not hit you is to live in illusion.
- Be an extremely high performer even though the rest of the world counts LOCKDOWN NUMBERS
- This will give you extra visibility even while WFH
- This will fetch you extra appreciation.
- Be good and maintain a strong relationship with those who will show up for you in close door webinar meetings of the top leadership
- This will make you connected with those who will invest in you.
- This will make you connected and engaged with the right people, after all, you are working so hard, you would like to have the best of the best sponsor for you.
- Be wise to choose your tribe in office too
- When you want goals to be successful you will be in a tribe which is 3X more successful
- When the global health crisis is so high, you will not look at wasting any moment on procrastination. Hence the tribe that keeps you moving at high speed.
- Be empath, helpful, kind, calm, patient and above all practice acceptance in real terms.
- This will further put you in a state of mind that will give more clarity towards life and work.
- This will enhance your character and make you very refined.
Don’t run your life into ruins. Don’t wait and watch for the situation to be normal.
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