Inside all of us we have demons, residing deep down the dark alleys far away from the plainsight of the social world; always waiting for the opportune time to come to the fore… To make its presence felt, to show the true character of the being..
Some succeed in hiding them by building a strong willed wall, for others the walls are precariously held together… All dwell cautiously just to avoid the embarrassment of being caught at their devilish act… Smart are the ones who tactfully hide their true self and trumps in every field.. Few fall prey to their own cannibalistic behaviour… We, humans are an unique species… Our thoughts are not always reflected in our actions… Sometimes the actions too does’nt shows the real thought behind it… Confusing it may sound but far more complex is the human psychology… Being considered the superior being on this planet seldom do we justify our position in the natural ladder… More than half the population are busy to take whatever they can, as much as they can. What remains isnt enough for the rest where starts the real struggle… Isnt it fair that all have their equal shares? People try and try and then again try just to make their ends meet. Most of them fail, others just about scrambles through their life. Why live such a life where the first thought at the beginning of a beautiful day gives one the fright as to whether he would have a peaceful night’s sleep??? Why is it that before we call it a day we ask for a better tomorrow??? Why can’t we have a good today? Or the best today.. To whom do we even ask or say pray… The idolised men or women at the lavishly built sanctums all over the world, or to the invisible force before whom we bow our heads… If they really had the strength or the will had they not already done whats good for this realm; the one which we consider as to be created by them… Why fend these helpless people to struggle on their own?? Why create more when some are certain to die a slow painful death??? Is it just so that these poor souls take refuge at their footsteps??? Worship them blindly?? Why blame the children then when the real parents are busy nurturing their own devilish wants??? To fulfill their own demonic wills… Better so be a DEMON then than being a GOD with a veil…
This pandemic has given us all a lot of time to think and contemplate on the actions that we take each day. To some extent we had all lost sanity prior to this situation. may be it is time we found our real selfs.
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