May 26, 2020

The 7 Things I Know to be True about Weathering this Pandemic.

I have hesitated to contribute to the surge of information flooding us, very much like our recent waves of uncertainty and discomfort.

However, after hearing many of you out there feeling totally lost, overwhelmed, and depleted, I thought this message was too important not to share.

Despite us having similar restrictions placed on us (dependent on state and country), we all experience social distancing and isolation differently.

Like standing on the beach looking out to sea, do you feel safe on the beach, or would you prefer to be with the waves? Do you want the big waves to roll in, or do you prefer calmer waters? Does the unpredictability of the waves excite or scare you?

The way we perceive a situation and our emotional responses are triggered based on our previous experiences, so will differ for each individual.

We are experiencing a period of change that is impacting our daily lives, our relationships, the way we interact with others socially and professionally, our identity, the way we stay fit and healthy, and how we feel rewarded, amongst other things. As we move through different phases, drowning out the noise and distractions, we will all start seeing new ways of coping with the discomfort of change.

So when the big waves roll in, let’s seek comfort knowing:

1. It’s okay to feel what you feel and know that feeling deflated and unmotivated is a part of adapting to change.

2. Your health and well-being are important, which is why the restrictions are in place.

3. Your home is your sanctuary—and that won’t change.

4. You have an opportunity to tailor a new daily routine or schedule.

5. You have an opportunity to create space in your home for things that are important to you.

6. You have an opportunity to create healthy boundaries—to create a healthy work/life balance, stay mentally healthy, and maintain structure.

7. You are aware of whether you thrive in unpredictability or prefer things to be stable. Try to understand that this is important in the way you and others are responding to the situation.

So, be kind and patient with yourself and others. Actively touch base with your family, friends, and colleagues to express how you are feeling, and any new discoveries or boundaries needing to be respected.

If you feel stuck, deflated, and unmotivated but don’t want to feel that way, please reach out to me—or, if you become aware you may need crisis support, please contact the relevant health centres in your country.

Stay well and stay safe.

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Vivien Lau  |  Contribution: 165

author: Vivien Lau

Image: Wikimedia Commons

Editor: Kelsey Michal