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May 27, 2020

Shakuntali Siberia reassures you: being happy every moment of your life is possible!

Take 2 minutes to read this – and you will look at the happiness from a sudden point of view. 

Everybody wants to be happy, it’s a given for us. We do not feel comfortable and calm in this life if there is a lack of happiness. Shakuntali Siberia reveals that to be happy every day, every moment of your life may become more than reality. 

Real happiness seems to be common for everybody and at the same time, it is different for each of us. Generally, we used to think that it is certain things that make us happy. For example, a new car or a piece of jewelry; or a new house. Or if our child succeeds to enter the University of his/her dream. On a more “advanced level” we may think that good relationships or good health of all our beloved ones could make us feel happy. But in fact, all this is wrong. In reality, if we are happy as a result of something external  – it is not happiness at all.

What is real happiness about? 

“We can live in happiness every day” – Shakuntali Siberia.

We come to this Earth from the so-called subtle world where everything is beautiful, we are calm and free and can be everybody and everything we want to be. That is why, by the way, children get upset and surprised sometimes, when everything does not go here as they imagined. This often results in a misunderstanding with his/her parents who may think that their child has a bad temper or that they are not good parents. The truth in this situation is that our children just used to live in another world with its laws and rules, and after their birth here, on our planet, they have to adjust to its rules. And even more important, they start to forget that natural state of happiness that accompanied them in the subtle world.

Grow your happiness inside.

So is it that fatal? Originally, we can feel instant happiness but we start forgetting the way as soon as we are born, and it is an irreversible process? 

“Not at all!” – says Shakuntali Siberia.

At first, we can “train” our body to feel happiness. And then tune our brain, emotions and all our being to the instant happiness not depending on the external circumstances.

To discover all the aspects of the full and happy life, Shakuntali Siberia invites you to her unique Temple School and assures you that your life will change forever. (link)

 The trick is that we should try to be glad and happy as much as we can, for our body produce the related substances. The more we train our body to produce these substances, the more it gets used to it, and the more the whole body is adjusted to the instant positive state. This is the hormone process. As a result, we can maintain ourselves in the instant state of happiness that will let your mind relax and think about more complicated things, such as how to let go of all the external circumstances.

“Let’s create happiness together” – Shakuntali Siberia.

How can you start? You can actually do it right now. Shakuntali Siberia invites you to take part in a very powerful practice (absolutely free)  that will ignite a spark of the happy chemistry inside your body and spread it to other people.

Let us unite during this practice so we could create lots of happiness spreading all around the world. Let us make everybody feel these vibes. And become a little happier. 


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