From this morning.
Third swim in the river this week! It’s the best. Truly grounding. I feel like I can actually breathe today.
That comes along with letting go and letting the river flow…the Earth and our sacred connection to it..
After a good hour there, I did yoga on my bright pink towel with my bright pink sandals next to it, I myself was barefoot. Very warm colors today, with black shorts, they were helping me, absorbing the beauty around me and within me, flowing back into the river as it washed over me. Sun salutations, as well as a few other sequences and asanas. This season is so wonderful already. I truly plan to just soak it in. After the two previous summers when I was away from the River predominantly, really made me miss it even more, and value it’s existence in our world. I anticipate this with an excitement that vibrates through my body into my entire being.
In these moments though, I am truly speechless… That is how beautiful life is.
I can truly breathe and appreciate my life force. So very deeply.
With each day I’m allowed, I achieve this balance more gracefully: with each step forward. Pausing to take it all in.
I am happy. I am happy because I accept myself and I truly do love the person I’ve become and the person I’m becoming. With each step of resistance, I come back stronger, because that is resilience.
Patience is a virtue as well as a practice. A physical practice for us here on Earth. We must take time to find peace within ourselves. This is how I find mine. I feel as though I need the river, and it needs me. I believe that all of us can value that.
It was the absolute best way to start the day, as usual. It makes me happy beyond belief, and I would like to share that light with you all now. I hope that you too see the beauty and light in your everyday life.
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