June 23, 2020

Our Story that was & What could have Been.

They say that if a writer falls in love with you, you live forever.

So, if I fall in love with you, I will make you live forever.

You will live in my memory, in my poems, in my stories, in my letters, and in my words.

I will write about you.

I write about how the roller coaster of emotions that you caused made me rise and fall.

I will tell about how much I gave and how much more I wanted to give you.

I will tell about how committed I was and how devoted I was, to make each day count, to make every minute count, and to make every second count.

I will write about how I touched you and how I allowed you to touch me too, in many different ways.

I will write about how I let my walls down for you.

I will tell about the secrets we had, in a way that no one else will know, but only you and I.

I will tell about how I spent sleepless nights thinking about you, and how the thoughts of what could have been made me long for you.

I will tell about how many hours I listened to your stories, to your woes, to your pain, to your downfall, and how much I wanted and tried to save you.

I will write about how much I cared about you and how I saved you from drowning, while I, myself, was trying to keep my head above the water.

I will write about how I saw my future with you and how hard I worked to build that castle with you, only for you to break it down.

And when it’s all over, I will probably tell how you broke my heart or maybe how I broke yours.

I will write about us.

I will write about you, reliving the version of you that only I had access to.

I will make you live forever.


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Isel Castañeda  |  Contribution: 1,955

author: Isel Castañeda

Image: Danielle Truckenmiller/Pexels

Editor: Sukriti Chopra