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June 19, 2020

I Have A Tender Dream (A BLM Poem)

Righteous rage
I feel you sister, I feel you brother

How far are we from the dream?
The dream of a man who became the king of equality, that one day this world will rise up and live out the true meaning of “all humans are created equal”.

I have a sore dream
That one day no human will steal the right to breathe from another!
…And the right to be of any colour

Breathing in the dream, purging out all that is obscuring our clear seeing
Cause believe me when I say, if you look into anyone’s eyes for long enough you will find the mesmerising oneness of humanity!

One Race
One Spirit
One Love


– Niloufar, In honour of #GeorgeFloyd and #MartinLutherKing
(*Image licensed by Adobe Stock)

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